Is It Possible To Have a 3day AF????


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Hi ladies, me again with no doubt another stupid question lol :shock: So Sunday and Monday I was spotting/very light AF then yesterday it got heavier and now its stopped. I came off the implant on the 27th of May so would that count as an AF or a withdrawal bleed and when would be best to start testing with OPKs? :wall2:
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All my periods for the past 7 years have been 3 or 4 days only and only 1 or 2 of those were ever heavy, the other 1 or 2 days was always just spotting/panty-liner flow.
Yeah mines before the implant were like that and have been since getting it out again, the max lasting four days x
I wasn't sure as its been 5yrs and mine were notmally 5-7 days. But will need to use OPKs so I know when I Ov.x
Mine were longer before I went on the depo. Now 3-4 first day light then really heavy then just gone??

Use OPKs as soon as our finish AF for your first cycle just incase you o early. Good luck Angel, keep us updated. People are great on here, so much support and advice :) they keep me sane lol! Xx
Yup... my last cycle just before i got pregnant was 3 days oddly. That is 3 months after implant removal. Xx

Had the same lutraloora.

Last period was also just 3 days and quite light. Once I started TTC-ing, my regular periods became shorter (from 5 days to 3) and the cycle became longer (from a regular 28 days to 30-35 days). I wasn't on the pill prior to that ( well, I was but I stopped literally years ago)
Thanks ladies just been so confused as when I was TTC my son we didn't bother to much but now I am older (coming up 31) I a bit scared that it wont happen so trying to track my cycle (if I can) but never done it before so I am going in blind and learning as I go. I really appreciate all the replies. :thanks:

Thanks cockermum I was just going to wait until my fertile days on ovia but yeah your right I could OV early and I don't want to miss an excuse for some extra BD haha :dance: I just wish I had found this forum when I was having my other 2 kids. xx
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Mine are usually 3/4 days and have been for years xx
Get the cheapies from ebay, thats what i have got. if your unsure of a postivie OPK just post a pic on here and the ladies will help.
i also have the clearblue but only use that if i get a positive on my cheapie as they work out very expensive.
Dont worry Angel you have it now :):) xx
My period lasts 24hrs if I'm lucky. I spot for a few days after on wiping but that's it, only 12-24hrs of a medium bleed xx
Yeah That's what I was like MrsS15 spotting sunday Monday yesterday got a little heavier but only needed a liner not a pad. Now nothing but still having cramps. never had that before so was totally confused, been waiting for it to come back and bite me in the butt even though that's what I thought was happening yesterday xx
Angel gave you done a test incase you are pregnant? I'm for buying a stack of opks off eBay for next month and will need help reading them x
I did one on the 25th ( 2 days before I got the implant removed and was neg) and only had sex on the 29th that's it. so doubt I will be xx
Sorry should have said I have also been doing OPKs since it was removed and never had anything more than a barely visible line. So never OV'd xx
When do you do your OPKs Angel and do you do more than 1 a day? xx
I feel like I only ovulate from right side but I don't know to be sure, my nurse did tell me I could fall pregnant the same night as implant removal if it was the right time for me so you never know.
I fo my opks at 3pm when i get home from work and only do the one because for the first week they were totally neg. I done 2 a day a few times but one was neg and the other was very faint xx

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