is feta cheese ok to eat?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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bought a feta cheese salad from m&s haven't eaten it it ok?.. checked the package and says nothing about cheese apart from being feta! xx
I live in Greece where Feta cheese is served with almost everything, my Doctor here said that it was fine to eat but he didnt recommend eating any 'homemade' feta. I ate it all through my pregnancy and was fine.
I think everything in moderation is fine

But then I don't like Feta :lol:
I asked the midwife if I could have M & S chocolate Brownie dessert (the most amazing pud in the world!) as it is mostly mousse and she said it would definately be fine as it is from M & S :D
That's brand reliability for you :D
It's your call to make though.
I was told everything is ok in moderation and so long has it is a good make.

She also pointed out that the rest of Europe laugh at us being so protective, they all have healthier babies and drink wine and eat cheeses and shell fish. So long has you are sensible. I asked about Mayo has with my first I loved it. My lad turned out fine and big!
i know theres loads of things written about different foods but the only things i'm crossing off my food list is alcohol and caffine, i dont smoke anyway so thats not an issue
all this stuff about cheese just seems silly, everything i've read seems to suggest a stupidly low chance so if i want a bit of feta or brie i eat it, i know the cheese is quality stuff and made properly feels like if i followed all the do's and donts i wouldnt eat anything i like. obviously it's up ot each individual mother whethere they want to eat it or not but i dont think you'll find many people that would follow it all.
Clare x

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