Is anyone planning on bottle feeding?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
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Hi all I know this sounds ridiculous but i don't like the idea of breast feeding it's never been something I wanted to do. I will try it and if it's not that bad then I will maybe do it for a couple of weeks.
However I have brought my bottles ect and I think I'm more than likely to bottle feed. I just wondered if there was others out there who maybe feel the same? Is there something wrong with me or is this normal? I'm so sick of pro breast going on at me aswell. Iv had a few heated conversations at work where iv had to say it's my boobs, my baby and MY choice. If people don't like it they don't need to look when she being fed and I won't let them fed her either.
I don't want nor need any negative comments on this nor do I need the whole breast is best convo. Iv had this enough and am bored of it. Plus that's not what I'm asking people.
I don't feel dissimilar. I also have a couple of friends who hated the thought of it - you're definitely not wrong or odd.
In fact, most people I know chose to bottle feed. And the older kids that spring to mind have no allergies, rarely get poorly.

I will try it, but have bought bottles as well. Ideally, I'll do it for a couple of months and then move on to formula. Although it sounds easier (and obviously cheaper), I can only imagine a complete kurfuffle. Leaky nipples, not knowing how much milk baby has had as well
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Yeah I guess they take what they need but you won't know how much that is. As I say il give it ago and see, it's definitely cheaper which is good and easier if your out but I feel like a cow. I also saw a friend breast feed and the baby came of the nippel and I was nearly sick. Her nippel was so big and scary lol. I thought I don't want nippels like that, il never take my bra of again!! I know that sounds silly but it was gross. Maybe it's because none of my family have breast fed. I used to help with bottles and it was nice if others could feed the baby. My husbands family have all breast fed and his cousins have breast fed and I already had his arnt giving me grief. I already feel so under pressure, drives me nuts.
Breast feeding sounds painful to bleeding nippels ect. After birth I just want to get back to feeling like me and being able to eat and drink what I like. I know that sounds selfish but I don't mean it in getting drunk in just want to feel like I have some of life back and eat soft cheese of I want to.
You shouldn't feel bad about your choice, as long as your baby is getting nourishment that's all that matters, like you said as long as you've given it a try then if it isn't for you it's no big deal.
My son has been on formula since he was 6 weeks old and has thrived on it, he rarely gets sick and is very mentally advanced so I certainly don't feel bad about my choice xo
It's nice to know others can see my point and don't penalise me for wanting to bottle fed. They have so many support groups for breast feeding mums but iv not seen anything on bottle feeding. My hospital shows you how to make a bottle but it might be nice for a group of bottle feeding mums to get together and can feed without thinking they are being judged.
Breast isnt always best, it's circumstancial :)

First off dont feel odd for not wanting to breastfeed, and don't let anybody make you feel guilty about not. I did want to breastfeed, but sadly it didnt work out that way. I couldn't produce milk, and if I hadn't made the decision to bottle feed (despite midwives keeping us in hospital for 3 days and trying to bully me into waiting and forcing my baby onto a breast that wasnt producing milk) then my baby would have starved. I felt guilty that my body wasnt providing what my baby needed, and cringed whenever people asked me if I was breastfeeding. It took me a while to accept that for me and my baby, breast was not best, bottle was. My babies health visitor sat me down and listened to me cry about not feeling good enough, before pointing out how alert my baby was, how content she was, and how much of a good job I was doing.

With this baby I feel confident that formula will provide everything my baby needs, and I wont feel guilty about not being able to breastfeed.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do, and feel free to tell people to tittle off if they dont support your choices.
A friend had the same problem she could not breast feed and they kept on at her trying to false her to keep trying. This just sounds so horrendous I mean you go through labour your tired and obviously wanting the best for your baby and you do not need someone having a go. A lady at work got really depressed coz she couldn't breast feed and was made to feel like a failure. It's a shame that this still happens.x
Oh yes I'm 100% with you but there are some proper breast feeding crazies and I was affraid to post for advice! I probably won't even attempt BF because I plan on going back on my meds after birth and they aren't suitable for breast feeding mums. I didn't feel guilty about my choice until people starting criticising me for it, now I doubt myself and think I should try but the be without my meds and I would suffer a lot, hell is suffering now!
My other argument is as a bariatric patient I bet formula would have more nutrients in than my own breast milk as I'm on vitamins and mineral tablets for life. I hope you OH family don't give you to much grief x
You do what's right for you and your baby, it's nobody else's business. Happy mum = Happy baby no matter how your baby is fed.
I plan on breast feeding if I am able but it won't bother me one bit to switch to formula if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. My DH is actually trying to get me to bottle feed straight away cos the thought of breast feeding makes him cringe lol

Of course it's normal for you to feel this way, it's not for everyone. I breastfed my DD for 1 year. It clicked with me straight away, it worked for me and I never found it painful and I didn't feel like a cow. I expressed once a day and built up a little supply for the freezer and that meant that my ex could feed her at the time too, it was just the way it worked out for me. But of course it's not always the case! I was open to it not working and accepting that I might have to change to bottle feeding and when Sofia was about 6 months old I combination fed (she had one formula feed before bed).

My intention this time around is to breastfeed if I can! But that's a big IF, some people can't the second time for all sorts of reasons and I already have 10 bottles at home should this happen.

End of the day, it's your choice. The best milk for them is that colostrum the first few days, and even if you do one or two feeds of that, that's good enough. And of course Breast milk is free lol - Sofia was a very contented baby and never got colic or reflux or anything, but of course some bottle fed babies are also contented with no problems. If you think you'd prefer bottle feeding then go for it!
I don't want to breast feed either. You're not alone! I tried with my DD1 but she wouldn't have it and I ended up expressing for weeks and it made me so miserable and she was still a reflux baby after every single feed and she grew up to have asthma and all sorts of illnesses so o don't believe it really stops any thing and would much rather be happier with bottle feeding straight off this time!
I couldnt BF with my first and I was gutted... I expressed for a good few weeks But this time I'm not sure... I want o breastfeed but logistically idk if I will manage if I have to express again as son just turned 2.

I gotta say that I can't really understand your personal view because I don't share it but it isn't an unusual thing to think at all! My son was formula fee before he had my milk as he had feeding issues, he was combI fed from a week or so old then I stopped BF at 5-6. Weeks. He has never had antibiotics, has never really been sick and is really active :)

I hav to say that BF is a wonderful thing though and I would e done it if I could. I'd maybe encourage you to think about expressing a little of your first milk as it is very good for them to have.
No one should make you feel bad about how you choose to feed your baby, just do what's right for you as a family. I did breastfeed my lb but just to reassure you your nipples don't stay massive! I'm not breastfeeding anymore and my boobs have gone back to how they were before.
I found the best thing to do was just have an open mind and not stress about it either way. I tried to be relaxed about it, I wanted to bf but I was prepared to bottle-feed if it didn't work out. At the end of the day the baby doesn't care how the milk comes to them!
I have breastfed both my boys and they self weaned by 11.5m. I don't necessarily enjoy breastfeeding but it is free, no faff, always on tap and the right temperature so easier for me than bottle feeding. It is hard going especially being the only one to be able to feed baby. That being said no one should make you feel bad about your choices on how to feed and to be honest if you aren't really sure about doing it then you may not do it for very long as the first 6 weeks are the hardest and even me as wanting to breastfeed to is seriously tough going getting through those weeks, but if you get through that then it really is the easiest thing to do. I always say happy mum happy baby, so do what you feel is best for your family xx
Oh yes I'm 100% with you but there are some proper breast feeding crazies and I was affraid to post for advice! I probably won't even attempt BF because I plan on going back on my meds after birth and they aren't suitable for breast feeding mums. I didn't feel guilty about my choice until people starting criticising me for it, now I doubt myself and think I should try but the be without my meds and I would suffer a lot, hell is suffering now!
My other argument is as a bariatric patient I bet formula would have more nutrients in than my own breast milk as I'm on vitamins and mineral tablets for life. I hope you OH family don't give you to much grief x

Yes I didn't feel bad untill people started saying well you should try and breast is best your baby will get ill ect ect...
I'm very out spoke tho so my husbands family know if they upset me I will tell them.xx
I am going to be bottle feeding from the start and will be having strong words with any midwife or other professional who tries to talk me otherwise. I am a 35 year old intelligent person perfectly capable of making up my own mind and doing own research. I have been a good mum for almost 12 years to my son and other than not wanting to bf this baby, do absolutely everything text book.

I bf my boy for 6 weeks, it was okay. However, I very very much need sleep and rest and do not function well at all on small amounts of sleep. Cluster and comfort breast feeds do not suit me I'm afraid to say. Once I switched to bottles he slept from 11pm to 6am at 6 weeks and by 12 weeks slept for 12 hours.

A happy, healthy mummy is essential for baby. I would not be if I breast fed. This may sound selfish but I need to keep myself well.

My sister bottle fed her two from the off and made it very clear to the midwives and said she did not expect to be bullied or harassed over it. Her wishes were respected.
I am buying bottles just incase. My mum bottle fed all of us and so she thinks it would be easy for me as I worry and she thinks knowing what baby has had will make me more at ease. I also take medication which can pass to the baby and the more research I do it could have an effect. Like you I also don't like the idea of feeding infront of anyone even if I am covered. I am a super private person when it comes to my body I like to be covered up as much as I can be. So I think bottles would be better in that respect. Also others can feed baby. My sister bottle fed and it was nice to help and hold the baby :) I will try if I decide the pros and cons with my medication. I was dairy free so I worry incase of intolerance and then need prescription formula. I also don't like the thought of using cows milk but if breast feeding isn't an option becuase of my meds or I can't cope well with breast feeding if I get to try then I will have to formula feed and will use what ever is best for the baby. I Went and saw a friend and she breast fed her first but bottle fed her second as she said she didn't have the time to breastfeed the second and her baby was healthy on formula. People stared at her when we were out but I just figure people will stare if she were using her breast lol so who cares. I think as long as you are happy then it doesn't matter.
I agree if you had your boobs out feeding people would look and they would look if you used bottle to. I'm also going to make it very clear to all professionals that I will try it but if she struggles and I dislike it then I will be using a bottle. If they don't like it they can leave the room and I will be writing a letter of complaint.
There's too much pressure to bf now days.
I have told the midwife I am going to try BF but if I don't like it I will move to bottles.

I'm not going to let the midwifes make me feel guilty about going to bottles!
When my son was in hospital and not taking breast he needed formula or he would've got sick, the midwife said to me that she could go and top him up but she could t officially offer and I had to ask as they're not allowed to promote anything but breast. At the end of he day is your baby and they can't force you!

Taking baby wipes into hospital this time as well as ready made bottles and expecting a fight but they're going to get told where to go. They're pretty condescending tbh in hospital sometimes / like when they came to show me how to dress a baby - I said I would manage fine but she insisted in "showing" me. I get that some people need guidance but I didn't and she kinda forced it down my neck. You just have to be firm

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