Is a second labour usually better?


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Aug 12, 2016
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It is 5 years since I was last pregnant. I had a horrific first labour, arrived at hospital fully dilated, no pain relief, 2 hours pushing, needing forceps. Was just awful.

Will it be easier this time as I know what to expect? I went to hospital far too late last time thinking first labours, they will just send you home.

When is the right time to go in? When I watch it on TV they are led in the bed looking calm at first lol. Mine was gruesome and I felt so stupid and unsupported throughout. x
Sorry I can't comment on the 2nd labour I've not even done my first yet! But I believe most hospitals have you admitted now when your contractions are around 45-60 seconds long and around 5minutes apart but they'd have to be consistent over a period of time.
Thank you. :) Mine were 2 mins apart when I was waiting for taxi to take me in lol. I will be much more prepared this time x
Hey mummylumps - I am a second time mum and 9 days overdue which is just a pain because I had a good first baby that was on time and a quick easy labour, however this second baby is proving to be a lazy little sod and I am now doubting labour will be as easy as it was the first time round! I think you have just got to go with it, everything I have been told about second babies hasn't been true at all for me, like they come earlier etc, so take everything with a pinch of salt, as they say every delivery is different. I too have a 5 year old and reckon my body has bloody forgotten how to do this baby thing to be honest! x
Every labour is different so its hard to be sure but on average 2nd labours do tend to be easier. My second labour was easier on the whole. My 1st labour was 38hrs total and kept slowing down. My second was 23hrs total and a bit more intense but progressed better. I didn't tear the second time either despite him being 11lbs! How did you cope with labour at home? It sounds like prehaps it could have been going to hospital that stalled things for you? Did you try different positions during pushing? DS wasn't going anywhere at the begining of pushing and after almost an hr the MW got me to try different positions. Once we found the right position he came quick. I was amazed how much difference it made. I am convinced if I had laboured on my back I would have ended up with interventions or even a CS. Maybe look into different positions and techniques you can use? Have you considered a doula? I didnt feel the need for a doula but many women have had good experiences with them. It sounds like you didn't have very good support last time. Sometimes things just don't go to plan and there was nothing that could have changed it but at times the right preparation and support makes a massive difference. Sometimes you can prevent intervention etc, sometimes it just helps for you to feel supported and in control even when things go off plan. My mum had an awful first experience including a painful episiotomy and decided to try a home birth with me which went smoothly.
Hi, I am not sure if hospital stalled it. It was really bad at home but I didn't feel as panicky, just in total agony. To be honest I am really panicking about having to do it all again :( x
Unfortunately my second birth was awful compared to my first so fingers crossed yours will be the other way round and you'll have a lovely delivery the second time around! xxxx
My second was much better than my first. I hope everything goes well for you :)
My second was soooooo much easier and better than my first, I really believe because my water didn't break first. When your water breaks first there's no cushion between baby head and cervix and I had hours of excruciating contractions with no breaks in between. But if I could have a guarantee my third labor would be just like my second I would be so happy!

Good luck!
My second was much more painful than my first but more relaxed and easier labour/birth, if that makes sense?! They were both roughly the same length, I had just gas and air with both and was induced with both but I found the pain much more intense second time round. Xx
Mine was much better. First was rushed and scary and left me pretty traumatised. Second took longer but was much calmer (probably a combination of having been through it before and making it to hospital) and a positive experience.

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