
Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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anyone else ttc getting these lol it appears that being too aware of your body is not always a good thing :oops:
this month im going to ignore all symptoms and keep telling myself its in my mind lol
Hi Rach,

last month I was so intune with my body every little niggle, I thought I was pregnant and when I got my BFN I was totally upset.

This month I have taken a view and ignored everything and I am waiting for my P on the 29th so not long now

Good luck with your TTC and every one else who is experiencing the dreaded BFN

hey gals,
i was in the same position last month every lil niggle and cramp i thought was all down to pregnancy but then i got a period. so this month i have ignored it and waited for period.i was due on the 18th and still no period so here's hoping.im just gonna wait a lil longer.
Hi Lizard,

Wow due on the 18th and still no af?

You have done wel waiting all this time, when do you think you will test?

I think I would only be able to wait a day or so after my expected AF.

Good luck

omg lizard4930 due on 18th and no af hurry up and test we need some good news this month :D
good luck hun hope u get a nice BFP xxxx

mum2bihope good luck hunny i hope your af stays away mine not arrived yet but im sure its gonna hit this month but next month im going to do same and ignore it all i might even get rid of my ticker so not so aware of where i am in my cycle :idea: i know il still be aware but it wont be staring me in the face every time i come on here

good luck girlies cmon we need some may babies :wink:

I'm imagining every little pain, twitch etc to be pregnancy symptoms.

I gagged this morning whilst brushing my teeth and thought... yes! morning sickness... but i think i'd shoved the tooth brush too far down.

Then driving to work I got a pain in one side and I actually began imagining the egg attaching itself... took my seat belt off incase i hurt my little egg!!!! imagine trying to explain that one to the police...

Just now i got a twitch in my side... i actually felt and saw my side twitch and move... Can't believe what i was thinking! i thought maybe it was my egg kicking!!!! How sad am I!

I'd love some symptoms

Good luck to anyone testing. I don't even test for another week if i can wait that long.
awww hayley i know how u feel hunny ive become so protective over my belly just in case lol fingers crossed for u hun i just worked out wot my due date would be if af does come today and im not going to get my may baby the next date i get if i manage to concieve next month will be june 2nd so a summer baby :D
I think you can start imagining things when you think too much about it. i came off the pill in march and my next af wasn't until 11th may so in between i felt like every symtom was pregnancy. i tried not the think about it and when i was due on the 8th June it wasn't on my mind. I didn't decide to test until the very end of June and got BFP.

I think it is best to try not to worry over it and think about it too much or you drive yourself crazy wondering!!
ok its official i was suffering last month with IPS lol :oops:

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