introducing one bottle?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2012
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Hi ladies. Eilidh is 10 weeks old now and exclusively BF. I am thinking of giving one bottle of formula a day or mabey even one bottle of formula every couple of days, just to give me a rest if needed. But I have no idea how to go about it! What time of day is best to give the formula? How much can I expect her to tale etc. Thanks! X
I'm just thinking of starting this. Can you express milk to give as we'll? You can mix expressed milk in the same bottle to make it a bit easier on their tummies. I'm going to mix 2oz formula with 2oz breast milk tonight so a total of 4oz.

My friend said she did 2oz of water mixed with 2 scoops of formula, shook it, then added the EBM, swirled gently to mix, and brought it back up to warm in a bowl of hot water.

Hope that helped. Good luck xx

Ahhh.....this never even crossed my mind! Have a pump so will deffo give this a go. Thanks! Xx
It's working well for us and doesn't put pressure on to express too much, I think they do it with premmies too :) but I didn't think of it til my friend said! Xx

I was exclusively bf and I am starting to introduce formula in a bottle once or twice a day. In keeping to bf at night and settling before bed as this settles her quickly so we all get more sleep! I'm replacing the 12pm feed and the 3pm feed with formula, but if she needs topping up with breast I do... We've had good days and bad days with this so far but I'm giving myself plenty of time before going back to work (9 weeks) so my supply has reduced and she can take a feed from the child minder!

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