Intercourse pattern for your BFP??


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Hey guys

I'm curious to know everyones bd pattern around ovulation which lead to your :bfp: (just to see if I have any chance of a christmas bfp myself or whether I shouldn't get my hopes up!) xx
Im also interested in this, to see if i should be BD at a certain time in my cycle but was not doing before.
try the SMEP plan girls x

google it x
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try the SMEP plan girls x

google it x

Thanks Lynette, i had noticed other ladies mentioning SMEP but wasnt sure what it was. Just googled it and i am certainly going to try that this month. :thanks:
We tried smep and we did it to the letter other than the last 2 goes post ov... But I know I was impregnanted the day before ov. I felti happen, like a spiritual connection and I woke up with butterflies in my tummy and feeling pregnant. I have had that feeling ever since x
My suggestion is to have sex when you are really wet, which for me is three days leading up to ov, but not on the actual day of ov.. Others may be different. And to make sure you orgasm first in foreplay and then preferrably again during... Because orasmopens the cervix and gives the little blighted somewhere to swim too and also increases cm massively!
After 10 years ttc I fell the month I had sex once out of guilt for going away for the weekend lol.....typical :roll:
Thanks 4 this info. Can u recommend which opks to use? I've just been charting on ff but haven't used opks yet.x
Typical indeed!! Wow, 10yrs ttc? That mustve been tough. So pleased that u got there in the end!x
I used one step... Wored fine for me though I have never seen one darker than the ontol! I ALS o used them after ov and they were the first hint I was up the duff
Used the opks after 2 know u were preggers or the one step preg tests?? Congrats by the way :)
I carried on using One step ovulation tests after I ov'd and they gave me interesting results... Which was the first hint I was preggers
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just got my BFP - the main changes this month were

SMEP and agnus castus

this was our 5th cycle ttc and i had braced myself for a longer wait following a pre conception chat with my doctor as i'm 38

clara x

ps - tried opks (cycle 2) - just the ic's
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I'm definately giving SMEP ago, we've been bd'ing every other day anyway, so dtd on 8th day and was doing it tonight aswell, as an infertility specialist recommended this to a friend, so the only difference will be 3 consecutive days/nights. Also been temping and doing opk's :D Really hope SMEP works!!! Good luck everyone!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: x x
I had been ttc for 6 months just bding at what i thought was the right time but no joy. On cycle 7, we used opks. I never got one darker than the control, but the lines went darker than normal on cycle day 14 & 15. We only bd once on cd14 but it did the trick and i got my bfp!

Good luck to everyone ttc, fx for you all.

Wow Emily, that's great! They say it only takes the once :) x x
I used to get really cross with being told that, but it is so true! When i think of all the times i bd just incase, even though i couldnt really be arsed, and then just once at the right time and bam- bean!

We dtd every other day :)

It worked for us 1st try last time. This time were doing the same, also advised to by Fertility Doctor as this time we have Ov troubles.
I used opk's but didn't this month when I got my bfp!! I just Dtd when I felt randy lol!! Tbh I think we only managed it once around ov but as they say that's all it takes!! It's ironic as all the other months before that I tried to bd loads of times throughout the month. This month I had given up hope so didn't try as hard! Good luck xx

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