Intense hand pain? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls, I had my lo 4 weeks ago on Wed. Since Ive had him I have found that I get sore wrists when carrying him or holding him. During my labour I got a canula in my wrist that ripped out of my left so then got put in my right. I was hugely bruised after it.

Anyway Ive had pins and needles in the morning particularly in my left wrist quite a bit. However this has stepped up since Fri when Ive started to get intense shooting pains in my hand. Its so sore it makes me want to cry. I struggle to hold my LO. It is lasting longer too as the days are going on. Also now feeling it tonight starting so not just the mornings now. I dont usually google but have found something that really fits my symptoms and its called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It says its quite common in pregnant ladies and can last till up to 6 months post birth.

Have any of you had any experience of this or know what to do to relieve the pain? Im going to make a dr appointment tomorrow but would like to hear of anyone whose had it?
I've never had it but I was a secretary in the department that test for it.

Some major cases u have to have nerve decompression but other times its just gabapentin and hand exercises.

Ask your gp to refer you for nerve conduction studies. xxxxx
Hey I got this years ago after I had a drip put in my hand.

It got worse during pregnancy but now that I've had the baby it's got even worse.

I just take painkillers anti inflammatory pills and hold something warm against it until it eases a bit.

Hope you get better x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Hey Laura, hope u and LO r doing ok. I had this when pregnant with jack. I just woke up one morning and the pain was so intense it felt like I'd broken my wrist. So I went to our local no. Emergency hospital and they diagnosed this. I got given this special wrist support thing and it really helped ease the pain. I did end up with it in both hands but it we about a month after having jack. It's definitely worth going to the docs with it Hun. Xxxxx
I have similar in my right wrist/hand due to a repetative strain injury from work. I find with mine if I rest it, it does help massively, but this isn't always easy with a LO! I try to limit use of my phone, laptop, hair straightners etc as things like this seem to make it worse. I use a wrist support on really bad days, you can get them from Boots. I have two, one with a splint and one without. I also use Voltarol cream on it to help with the pain. The doctors weren't much help to be honest, they told me to rest, and do everything I was doing already, as well as prescribed some painkillers that gave me a bad stomach!
Thanks for all your replies ladies, always great help on here! Im going to call the dr's at half 8 and try and get an appointment. I have already ordered a wrist splint from amazon as I read online that it should help to use it at night. Ive taken brufem this morning when I felt ut start and so far so good. Ill see what the dr says.
I got this in late pregnancy and since T has been born it has gotten worse :( it flutters between each wrist and it can get sooo painful!

My gp was rubbish and brushed it off and said it'll go in a few months and didn't offer me anything so I just bought a wrist support myself and it helps but it hasn't cured it so far, my baby is almost 11 weeks.

It sounds like it could be De Quervain's tendonitis. I had this for around 8 months after my LO was born. It caused severe pain in my right wrist and in the end I couldn't even pick up a pen to write. It can be triggered by the way you pick your child up. I was told by my GP that nothing would really help. I used ibuprofen when it was really bad and did try wearing a wrist support for a while. It gradually eased off and now has gone completely, but it did take almost a year.
I had this a good few weeks after having Anna. It is still slightly there like when I lean on bed to get out of something and bend my wrist but it has got much better. Hope yours starts improving soon! xxx
I had this for quite a while after having T bag.

It was really sore, and pushing the pushchair was quite difficult at times and really hurt my wrists.

I didn't seek help over it at the time but it did go on its own some months after.
Worth getting it checked out, but it's likely to be CT or similar. The problems are caused by water retention in late pregnancy that takes a while to resolve and can be exacerbated by rounded shoulder posture from holding the baby or pushing buggy (I know it's the wrists but this is where the nerves originate).

I had a similar problem which resolved within a few weeks, not sure how many exactly but it was gone by the time J was 3 months.
Thanks again for everyones experiences. Dr diagnosed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome so at least I know. Mind you he has given me water tablets and referred me to a specialist who could take months to see. Im hoping the water tablets sort it out. Dont fancy having this pain for weeks.
It might help to massage the forearms firmly, stroking in the direction of the elbows. Start close to the elbows and work down to the wrists. Physio showed me how to do this and it helped me. Reduces the water retention in the wrists.
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