Induction Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Well ladies, still no signs of this baby making an appearance so we'll be off to the hospital tomorrow for induction. I've tried to stay positive, but the thought of being in hospital for the whole early labour too is getting to me a bit. I really hope it doesn't cloud my experience as I really feel we are made to do this and fear will only hinder what is a very natural process.
Wish me luck!!
Good luck hun! CAn't wait to see photos of your beautiful LO!!

Im sorry your little one hasn't made an appearance sooner for you, but as long as you stay positive then Im sure you'll get the birth you were hoping for :)

Good luck!!! xxx
Hope everything goes ok for you tomorrow, If you are very overdue you may only need a little shove to get things moving naturally. A friend of mine was 14 days over, she went in to be induced and was found to already be 3 cm but having no contractions, they ruptured her membranes and her little girl was born within 6 hours with no further help! Sure you will be fine xxx
Good luck MM - will be thinking of you, wishing you all the very best for the birthing experience that you want :hug: xxx
You'll be fine, I was induced 2 weeks ago, cervix closed & posterior, baby refusing to appear despite several sweeps amd prostin gels. I made them promise to go really gradually and tell me every time they upped the dosage of syntocin and it was a really good birth experience in the end xx
Good luck tomorrow. I bet you'll be glad to have your little one in your arms finally!! Have you got an MP3 player you could take in? Listening to your own music and trying to relax with all your own stuff should help early on :hug:
best of luck for tomorrow, I'm sure all will go well! :hug: x
How exciting, good luck, be thinking of u xx
Good luck hun - i have the same story that i went to be induced and was 2cm when i got there - 16 days over - so they let ehings carry on naturally and i had a 10 hour labour in all which isn't bad for a first x
Have you had any niggles?
Best of luck hun! Hope it all goes well for you xx
Good luck hunni! Here's hoping that baby plays ball and comes through the night! :) If not, then all the best for tomorrow - you'll do absolutely fine :) Xx
Thanks everyone, I've had no niggles at all. When I was at the midwife on Monday she couldn't do a sweep as my cervix was too high and posterior. She said they'll do another internal, then give me the gel. Unfortunately I'll have to stay in though as that's the policy there, whereas they send folk home at my alternate hospital. I'm just hoping that I'm not having to hang around too long. I've got my ipod charged, nintendo ds and OH was talking about loading up the lappy with bbc iplayer stuff.
On a positive, my friends sister was in the same ward a few months ago and said the staff were great. My sister lives right across from the hospital so I am wondering if I can negotiate some freedom, worth a try :)
Good luck Megs, will be thinking of you!! xxx
Good Luck Gemma! Hope you have you have your LO in your arms today xx

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