in tears since uss for pcos


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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Well iv just come back from having the ultrasound. The woman there thinks I have got slight pcos but need blood tests to check. Thats fine, whats got me in tears is there is no sign of pregnancy.

she did say she wouldn.t expect to see anything but sure to god she would see the sac or comething. Im 4 weeks 4 days today and so scared its all gone wrong.

would anything be seen this early?? Xx
Please try not to upset yourself, your ticker shows that your LO one is the size of a poppyseed at the moment, which is so very tiny, the sac is unlikely to be much bigger. The ultrasound images aren't always clear (at 20 weeks half the time i couldn't see what they were talking about!) I'd imagine that your LO is way way too tiny to be seen yet, so don't stress yourself out
was it an internal us? in an internal us she should see the sac. at an external see may miss it if your days are slightly wrong. hopefully everything fine. do one more pregnancy test.
It was an external scan. Its just scaring me so much at mo. I know lo is tiny tiny but im sure something should have been seen.

my oh is gonna get me some more cheapie hpts in a mo so hopefully itl still show pos.

I badly want everything to be ok and for it just to be early xx
I did a quick google for you, and the general consensus is that it would be way too early with an external to see things because they are so little
Thank you nic.

just wondering, would a test show pos if i had a chemical? if so, how strong or weak? bearing in mind its mid afteroon and iv drunk loads due to the scan x x
I'm afraid i have absolutely no idea when it comes to testing
At this stage they might not be able to see the sac on the external scan, can you phone EPU to get an internal for peace of mind? You can do a digi test to see if the hormone levels have risen as well. I know sounds hard, but try not to worry too much

P.S: I had an internal scan at your stage, my ovaries looked polycystic too but they could see a sac as it was internal!
This is the test i took just now with the tiniest bit of weak wee x x


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Would i need a docs refferal for the epu and what would i say? x x
Could you do a digital to see it say 3+ ? That might put your mind at rest?

I'm sure it will be that it is too early. It is very very tiny at this stage. When I had a scan last time at 8 weeks (even though the embryo measured 6 weeks) it was still quite difficult for the sonographer to find it.
Cant do a digi as cant really afford one now.
really wanna go to a and e and make a lie up lol x x
Well there is definitely a pregnancy, they have to rule out ectopic now. They should give y an internal
Im more confident now my hpt is stronger than it was monday nite.
if i went to a and e and said i was getting pain in my groin and back (which i have been for days, so its not a lie), would they do an internal? if so, what are the chances, if it is a normal pregnancy, would they see a sac? x x
You can normally self-refer to EPU, you might need to explain the situation to them
If your days are ok and it's not an ectopic they should see a small sac on internal us.
Oh doesnt really wanna go to the hospital tonight so il call the epu tomoz and see what they say.
iv had no spottiing or anything so i suppose thats gd x x
Sounds to me like its just way to early remember normally ur 1st scan would be at 12 weeks ish or 8wks if an early scan 4 wks will het be a bit to soon I'd say lookin at test its all normal and to maybe ask for an early scan at 8wks to stop ur worry x

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