I don't think there are any blood tests that show the quality of your eggs unfortunately. There is one that shows your egg reserves, ie how many you have left (not exact number). I had that done a year ago, I was 43 and was told that my levels were "poor" in the general scale but actually very good for my age - equivalent to a woman of 35 rather than 43. However, they also said that's no guarantee as to quality. The 21 day blood test (which I've also had) just shows whether or not you've ovulated, not the quality of that egg. I've heard of the earlier blood tests but I don't know what they're for.
I spend a lot of time (far too much) googling about fertility, there are the supplements that Charlotte has mentioned. Also, many articles I've read say you should take ubiquinol rather than COQ10, you need less as it's much more easily absorbed, this is for egg quality. There are even articles that say if you are over 40, COQ10 is pretty much a waste of time, only ubiquinol will help. Ubiquinol is, of course, more expensive. I know someone else on this forum said she has seen articles saying ubiquinol is no better - I've never actually come across those, only ones that say it is better but of course you can never be 100% sure what the accurate information is. It certainly doesn't do any harm taking ubiquinol instead of coq10, other than to the purse strings, and frankly I'm willing to try anything!
Sorry for the rambling post...