

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2016
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Hi, can anyone help?
Think i am between 10 and 14 dpo. That is a roughish guestimate. Been getting twinges on my left side (uterus area) not ovaries. Then last night very sharp stabby pains on the right.No AF for 5 weeks now but negative tests. (not tested for 5 days) today i have had cramps like AF is arriving but no sign other than that! Expecting blood but nothing yet. Also had extremely sore boobs which is usual around ovulation and AF but its been continuous for 2 weeks so now i am wondering! Usually get bad skin before AF also and nothing yet. I know i should test again but just wondered if anyone has been in the same boat. Its hard to describe the twinges....last night they were quite short sharp and intense for about 5 mins then gone! Thanks
Hi �� When I was 6dpo I got really bad sharp stabbing pains on my right hand side. And then cramps too. I'm absolutely positive they were implantation pains. I got a very faint positive 4 days after that. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!! Xxx
Update....some slighty brown discharge when wiping this morning but now nothing. Slight cramps this morning now gone. I was convinced AF was starting but now I'm confused! Maybe I ovulated later than I thought. Anyway took a test which was negative so just have to wait and see! ��
still getting browny discharge but not blood yet. Slightly more than yesterday but not much. Slight discomfort but not the normal cramps i would get with AF...whats going on!!!??? So confused ☹
back to normal white cm now. Any ideas anyone?!?

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