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Implantation Cramps


Jun 22, 2013
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Hi all, my first post here :wave:

I am currently 11dpo, 6-9dpo I had been having some random cramps to the left of my uterus which I have never noticed before during my luteal phase (usually pms cramps begin the day before) but since then have pretty much disappeared, just they occassional heavy feeling there.

So my question is, has anyone else felt these cramps before? Is is a normal part of the luteal phase but I have just never noticed before? Seems weird that they were only for 3 days. Thanks
Hiya, welcome to pf! :wave: short answer is I don't know, sorry. It's not normal for me but may be for others. Did you get any others around this time? When are you planning to test?
Thanks for the reply :)

I can't say i've ever noticed these type of cramps before, but then i also realise that I may just be more aware this month. Previous months i've had suspicious nausea which turns out is AF related.

I get AF 14 days after I feel ovulation pains, so that will be Tuesday evening, so Wednesday morning I will test if AF hasn't arrived!
Sorry I meant to say any other symptoms, but just wrote any others! It's amazing what we start to notice that for years just passed us by. Fingers crossed!
Hi Hun! Welcome to the forum.
I actually started a thread about this not that long ago too. I had cramps for about 4 days and this was probably 5 days after ovulating. I'd never had that before.
I'm also now pregnant! So I don't wanna build your hopes up in case you're not, but it looked as though it was that for me. I hope it is for you too! Xx
I got really strong cramps from 7dpo with my bfp and i'dnever had af cramps before this.... Good luck x
I had cramps from 2 DPO onwards and just got my BFP today! But, I had another cycle when I was convinced I was Pg because of the cramping all the way after DPO and my AF turned up. So, my take is that if you feel cramping your body is trying to get PG, but, it might not stick. Hope that helps.
Congratulations AKSH :)

AF arrived for me last night, right on time. I found it quite weird to only get cramps 6-9dpo and have nothing else leading up to AF as I usually would. More than likely being overly sensitive to everything. CD1 now so lets see what happens this cycle! Fingers crossed for everyone else :)
Cherishlily I think that was the same for me the other time. I wanted it so badly that every little thing was significant. That's why this time I was trying to be cool and down play things. Easier said that done! Hope you get your BFP v soon! And if you have your AF then it's good as you ovulated!
me! had it in the right with my daughter

had it in the left two days ago, like a sharp stabby poking, and its gone and i feel like i wanna vomit today but im not testing for anything til af due monday!

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