Implantation Bleeding


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hi there girlies,

Just wondered how many of you girls got what you thought was implantation bleeding at all after ovulation? If so how many days post ovulation did you get it?

Ta very much :D
Some women after ovualtion get like a brown/pink discharge or spotting if they have conceived, just wondered how many of the girls on here got it and when. It occurs when the fertilised egg starts burying into the lining of the womb.
You learn something new everyday! If only my poor little egg was not engulfed in endometreosis, then the sperm may actually have a chance of finding it!!!! :(
Hi i got implantation bleeding, well browny red coloured CM about 12 days after ovulation, i got it on and off light spotting over 2 days.

Ive booked an appointment at the docs next friday did another cheap HPT tonight and got a stronger line!!

Baby dust to all :D
Amy xxxx

I actually got bleeding around the time my period was due and initially mistook it for the start of AF - But reaslised something was amiss when AF lasted 1 day! :?
It was most likely implantation bleeding that had took its time working its way out!
I had implantation bleeding too about 2 or 3 days before my AF was due.

It was a light brown discharge and it lasted for 1 day then stopped.
Well yesterday I had brownish CM, it was prob im guessing about 5dpo but could be more/less. OH and I BD last night and i had more spotting after that but it was pinky. Dont know what to think!!!! Could it be implantation bleeding or is it too soon? Im thinking that it is. :( I read on the net you can spot during ovualtion or it could be damage to the cervix through BD its soooooooooooo confusing. Guess il just have to wait for a couple of weeks when AF is due and wait and see..... :pray:
I had some brownish CM at about the same time as you. 5dpo. Do you have any other symptoms? I felt that I couldn't possibly be pregnant as it was far to soon to tell! Who knows 5dpo?? BUT.. I felt nauseas, had sore boobs and weird cramping but no bleeding.
Got my first BFP 4 days before AF due - although I have tested every day since to make sure! (All BFP's!)
Good luck - am sending lots of baby dust!
x x x
5 DPO is about the right time for bleeding if implantation has occured. Some women will experience implantation around day 3...Others as late as Day 10 (After ovulation) so it could well be implantation bleeding.
However, like you say, its quite possible to have some spotting around the time of ovulation, especially if you are prone to long cycles.

I will have everything crossed for you that its implantation spotting!
Yeah please!! I dont have any other symptoms really...feel ok. But then I prob wouldnt be feeling anything much yet would I? I do feel a bit crampy, Im kinda thinking I miscalculated my OV time and its now or something....I wont know till AF is due in 2 weeks. The only thing is I havent had any spotting or brown CM like this in previous cycles..its a mystery!!
could this be it Jaidybaby wishing you lots of luck, i'm sure those two weeks are going to drag by. let us know if you get anymore symptoms. :pray:
I will do dont worry...hoping and praying, if its meant to be its meant to be xx :pray:
just reading this thread jaidy baby and realised it was implantation bleeding for you as you got your bfp!! its exciting to read back so thought i would flag it up again!! how did you get on at Drs?

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