? implantation bleeding and ? pregnancy.


Apr 10, 2005
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I only tried to conceive once so far and had been off the pill 3 months first to see my menstrual pattern. It was clockwork - having periods on day 28 and lasting 4 - 5 days. At the moment - I expect my period according to that on about Tuesday - but have been very tired on and off over the past 10 days or so and a few little dizzy spells. I suppose since ovulation. Yawning alot and reduced energy when jogging and at the gym. Had some brown spotting yesterday evening and today until evening and now the bleed is getting more red - proper blood - just waiting to see if it gets heavier. i wonder if the bleeding lasts less than usual and there isn't as much as usual but it is still there should I consider that it is pregnancy. Maybe its just the pill not out of the system yet - although it was back to menstrual pattern so exactly for the first three cycles. What do ye think? Would I be a candidate for that big test next week. Interested in any thoughts! Thanks
From what I know implantation does come around the time your period is due, it's alot lighter then the period and will only last for a few days not as long as a "normal" period. I would wait and see how long this lasts if it doesnt seem like your normal period then I would but I wouldnt test for atleast a week if ya can wait that long I know I could'nt and mine came out negative. Your body doesnt produce any HCG until after implantation occurs and then even then it may take a couple of weeks to produce enough to be detected with a home preg. test...I'm still going through it I believe to had implantation bleeding Apr 16 took a test Apr 18 and it was negative I took one this past Thurs and was a very faint positive (using first morning urine) (sorry to be in detail :oops: ) took one again later that afternoon and it was negative!! Maybe there isnt enough hcg to be detected. So my advice would be to wait as long as you can without driving yourself insane!!! :lol: Hope this long summary helped you at!! Wish ya luck!!! :D :D
Thanks very much for the advice - you are very good writing to me on a Sat night!
Your very welcome!!! I hope I helped a little bit and not just rambled!!! :lol:
It was my period - found out with a bang today - no more wondering, but not to worry, it was the earlier than usual bleeding that had me mixed up. Not off the pill too long so probably cycle still not in synchrony yet. We are off on a big active holiday to Canada and Vegas and have a U2 concert when we get back - so I was kind of bothered about all those events if I was pregnant already, but as long as mother nature kicks in in a few months I'll be happy. Hopefully she will - in the meantime - it's go with the flow time! Thanks again for the advice - I'll know not to bother my head wondering next month things become obvious around the 2 weeks later anyways. Good luck - D.
Good luck to you!!! Hopefully you'll get what you want soon!!! :D

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