implantation bleed????


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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whos had one?
i never had one last time... i had a tiny red streak yesterday and hav little bits of brown now like the very end of a period- but hardly any- only because im studying it...its driving me mad!! i never ever have anything between AFs
what else can it be?
i know my last pregnancy i ovulated on day 10 so im all fingers crossed and driving myself mad!!!
i never know wen to test as my cycles are crazy...last time i tested positive on cd22 and my cycles are usually 32 plus, sometimes up to 45days...
might test saturday if i can wait til then!
hey hon, when i first fell pregnant with my daughter, i conceived 4 days before flying out to Cuba, a week into my holiday i had what i thought was just a light period as i wasnt paying any attention to it. i wasnt TTCing at this time although it was alovely surprise. but my bleed lasted 3 days. not just a wipe, red blood like the end days of AF.. sounds good to me :) fingers crossed xxx

I had an IB with this pregnancy and had a week of spotting pinky/brown CM. A couple of times there were red streaks of blood in it.

Good luck!!!
I had an IB with this pregnancy, on the exact day my period was due, but it was just browny gunk.
girls can i ask how many days after the bleed did u get bfps- im just getting brown wen i wipe thats it xx
Elle'sMumy said:
hey hon, when i first fell pregnant with my daughter, i conceived 4 days before flying out to Cuba, a week into my holiday i had what i thought was just a light period as i wasnt paying any attention to it. i wasnt TTCing at this time although it was alovely surprise. but my bleed lasted 3 days. not just a wipe, red blood like the end days of AF.. sounds good to me :) fingers crossed xxx

i got my BFP 5 weeks after coming home, maybe a little longer as i wasnt TTC at the time :) sorry i cant help much x
thankyou anyway...will have to see maybe its just a random bleed :(
Hi, I just checked my diary and I got an ib on 9dpo that was a bit of red blood then it was brown when I wiped for a couple of days and I got my BFP at 13dpo, although it was faint but got stronger over the next few days.

Hope that helps and you get your BFP soon :hug:
thankyou, i think its probably a random bleed, i dont have any early tests and last one yesterday was neg i think ill test again tomorrow maybe tuesday but otherwise ill wait a couple of weeks and see if i get an af
it seems to of stopped now

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