Its been a lovely warm spring day here so we've spent most of it outside. Lawn is mowed, hubby started digging out the veg patch and the chickens are all doing their bit helping with weeding
Put in all the new rockery plants today and it looks rather good
OK everything needs to take hold and start growing but it should be lovely once it all settles.
I had lots of help from Eric who thought it was great fun to run off with all the plant tags and chew them
I spent ages collecting them off him only to find the moment my back was turned he'd whipped them out of the ground again. At least he wasn't digging up my plants
So tomorrow shall do some more out there. Bump seems to enjoy my activity as it all goes very quiet when out there doing stuff, as soon as I came in to sit down and rest I got kicks and squirms
Gardening beats cleaning the house any day

Its been a lovely warm spring day here so we've spent most of it outside. Lawn is mowed, hubby started digging out the veg patch and the chickens are all doing their bit helping with weeding

Put in all the new rockery plants today and it looks rather good

I had lots of help from Eric who thought it was great fun to run off with all the plant tags and chew them

So tomorrow shall do some more out there. Bump seems to enjoy my activity as it all goes very quiet when out there doing stuff, as soon as I came in to sit down and rest I got kicks and squirms

Gardening beats cleaning the house any day