Hi girls
Just thought id let you all know im leaving for a while.
i need to concentrate on the children ive already got and not keep stressing about getting pregnant again because everyone is suffering, so i need to enjoy my time with the children while they are still young and just enjoy life again really.
thankyou to everyone on here who have supported me through my pregnancys and my m/c in january.
Good luck to all the girls TTC, im sure when i do come back all of you will have big baby bumps
Good luck to all who are nearly ready to pop or who are overdue
And congrats to everyone who has just got their BFP's and who have just had their LO.
im on facebook most of the time i think ive got most of you on mine so i'll chat to you on there
i'm really going to miss this forum and everyone on here but i think its for the best that i go for a while. thankyou for everything
p.s i will be back when all is sorted or if i get a BFP
Just thought id let you all know im leaving for a while.
i need to concentrate on the children ive already got and not keep stressing about getting pregnant again because everyone is suffering, so i need to enjoy my time with the children while they are still young and just enjoy life again really.
thankyou to everyone on here who have supported me through my pregnancys and my m/c in january.
Good luck to all the girls TTC, im sure when i do come back all of you will have big baby bumps
Good luck to all who are nearly ready to pop or who are overdue
And congrats to everyone who has just got their BFP's and who have just had their LO.
im on facebook most of the time i think ive got most of you on mine so i'll chat to you on there
i'm really going to miss this forum and everyone on here but i think its for the best that i go for a while. thankyou for everything
p.s i will be back when all is sorted or if i get a BFP