Im going to hospital


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Well ladies Im off to hospital as it seems Im having some kind of reaction to the aspirin.
This is night number 3 taking it and Im in agony with a headache (which I never get), my nausea is horrendous and its been gone for weeks and Im covered in the itchiest rash on the planet :mad:

Im so effin tired and I just wanna sleep but the emergency doctor said absolutely not. Plus I have to travel further to the hospital where my maternity care is in case I need to be monitored. Wish me luck. I'll update when I can xx

Never mind. Waste of bloody time :mad:
I've got antihistamines for the rash (actually make that a prescription for them). He basically said it's impossible that I would have a reaction to aspirin although the nurse on the phone said skin irritation is very common with aspirin?!

But now they've made me completely paranoid. My blood pressure was up quite a bit from my booking appointment coupled with this bloody heady and Im really worried. He didn't test me urine or anything so maybe I should ring midwife today?

I need my bed :(

Id call ur mw to put ur mind at rest hun x

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I would call your midwife hun! Don't sit and worry xxx
Hope you managed to get some sleep Simone, are you feeling any better?:hugs:
Blimey you've had a rough night, hope you feel better once you've had some sleep x
Poor you , what a rough night , hope you've got plenty of sleep and your feeling alittle better today.
Fancy a doctor saying your pregnant body can't react to asprin !!!, when pregnant everyone is different and so can and will react to different and unusual things at that. I'd stick to asking midwifes they have much more knowledge on pregnancy. Good luck and I do hope you feel better real soon xx
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I hope you've managed to get some rest after your long, stressful night. Definitely ring your midwife, she'll be able and willing to help more I imagine.
Hope you feel better x
You poor thing! :( hope you managed to get some sleep. I'd call your mw hun x x
You poor thing hun,

I hope you managed to get some sleep? Rest up today as well!

With the long weekend coming up you def need to contact the MW

Thanks ladies. I've rung the midwife and waiting for a call back. Im so tired today and Im on my own with the kids as OH is working 10-10 :(
This headache ain't for shifting at all and it's really bloody painful!!

aww hun you poor thing! why your dr say that? hope the midwife was helpful. and your getting as much rest as possible hope your ok big hugs xxx
Aww, poor you! :(
Hope you feel better soon xx
No call back from midwife and Im back having to lie down every 5 minutes before I either faint or puke. No clue what to do :(

Do you have the number for your maternity unit?

I think Im feeling a bit better. Haven't done much at all today. Poor kids have been bored stiff. Maybe I just needed some rest? I never seem to get any xx

Can OH have them for a few hours tomorrow so you can totally wind down for a bit?


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