Hello Ladies,
So it seems the Christmas Party season done the trick for me I didn't really think about the 2WW until around 7DPO when I started getting sharp shooting pains in my boobs and I thought hmmmm this is new!!!
I tested at 10 DPO and got a - was gutted but boobs got worse so tested at 13DPO which was NYE to see if I could have a drink and hey presto !! It was the faintest of lines on a Tesco HPT however...so I tested today and the line is darker!!! Going to do a digi at the end of the week I think
I am SO happy I could cry and just want to wish any TTC lady reading this the very best on her journey, and for the ones with buns cooking have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!
So it seems the Christmas Party season done the trick for me I didn't really think about the 2WW until around 7DPO when I started getting sharp shooting pains in my boobs and I thought hmmmm this is new!!!
I tested at 10 DPO and got a - was gutted but boobs got worse so tested at 13DPO which was NYE to see if I could have a drink and hey presto !! It was the faintest of lines on a Tesco HPT however...so I tested today and the line is darker!!! Going to do a digi at the end of the week I think
I am SO happy I could cry and just want to wish any TTC lady reading this the very best on her journey, and for the ones with buns cooking have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!