I'm furious!! Rant Alert


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
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So I leave work in 3 weeks and it has been agreed that someone on my team will be covering me and we will recruit a secondee for his position. Basically because my position is too complex for me to handover step by step and will be easier for this guy as he's had exposure to it already etc.

We've just had a team move at work as someone left and they aren't replacing him so we've got new managers. I was 2nd in command to my old manager and took on all his duties when he was on holiday etc. he doesn't feel he has anyone on his new team capable of such a role so instead he wants to take the guy who's supposed to be replacing me!

I can't remember a time I've been more mad about anything at work.
I know it sounds silly but the job advertisement isn't even closed yet, then they've got to do interviews and I will have 1 week to try and do all my work ( at the minute I'm doing 2 jobs too as my administrator is on maternity leave ) and then try and show someone who has no experience what so ever how to do my job while I'm gone???

I really wish I was the kind of person that could have the " I don't care I'm leaving in 3 weeks" attitude but I've worked sooo hard to get everything in order and make sure things run smoothly and I was just coming to terms with handing over all my responsibilities to this guy and now this! I'm trying not to get worked up but I find it such a slap in the face that they're doing this 3 weeks before I leave. I feel so angry it's unreal xx
Hugs I'm sure that it will all work out in the end just be patient hopefully newbie is a quick learner xxx
Really hope that's the case but even if they are 1 week won't be enough :-( x
Really hope that's the case but even if they are 1 week won't be enough :-( x

What type of job do you do? Big hugs I'm not able to fully understand as I don't have that sortv job there was no handing over for me. I hope that it isn't as stressful as you think xxx
Work can be very annoying, I think you need to learn some level of switching off though so that your better at it when babies here and you go back - priorities!!

Easier said than done, like you I'm quite motivated to do well at work. I'm being totally disregarded by my boss as I leave in 5 weeks - not allowed any client contact etc because there's not really any point and being treated like I'm made of glass!!
I agree Tigger, I really need to learn how to switch off, I just can;t help but be so frustrated when they do things like this. Aparently one of the reasons behind it is because my area runs so smoothly........................... Because I'm here running it! Grrrrrrrrr so annoying. I can only do what I can and hope to God that they don;t mess everything up while I'm not here. I'll be having keeping in touch days anyway so I'll be dipping my toe in from Christmas onwards. I just hope it's not a sham when I come back. Will defo make an effort to try and take a step back though as there is literally nothing I can do :(
Next question: What is a scheduling Analyst? lol

haha oops didnlt explain at all really did I.

To put it as short as I can, I work in the management area for Dixons and It's my responsibility to make sure they have enough bums on seats at the right times for when the calls are coming in. That's the best explanation I'd say :) Sounds pretty simple now, I don't know why I'm compaining haha.
I look at this way, if they get someone who is unprepared or just not as good at the job it will make you look better and they'll be so happy to have you back! hehe

I did a maternity cover post once, I was actually better at the job than she was, everyone on the team including my manager said it. They said they wished she wasn't coming back and that I'd stay! I'd rather be in a position where my job wasn't filled so well while I was off ;)
haha someone at work has mentioned that to me, As they have no choice but to recruit in house now and there's nobody here with any experience etc so it'll only show how much I actually do etc. I know there's nothing I can do but I know I'm going to find it hard to let go. I'm sure I'll have other things to occupy my mind :)
Hun, I know exactly where you are coming from. I got so fed up with my leave cover situation I've brought my mat leave fwd by 2 weeks.

In the end I went to the director and said your technically my line manager, everything will end up coming to you!
Funnily enough, things got sorted then, but thst was only last week. I had been do stressed up till that point.

Employers just don't seem go care about the stress its pitting on you, you are trying to create an effective handover so the system goes smoothly and you just are not being enabled to do that :-(

Is there anyone you can escalate it to?

That's exactly right, m just trying to make sure things tick along for their benefit more than mine.
I've thought about escalating it but as the recruitment process is actually going through I haven't got a point really. There's no chance that I'm gonna get to keep the original guy so my hands are tied really :-( x

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