Im convinced im pregnant BUT ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
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AF due today but no sign no cramping o spotting no discharge nothing
and i have loads of pregnacy simptoms realy sore boobs everything turns my tummy and normaly i have a strong tummy but every smell is making me gagg i feel sick alot i have that nasty matalic tast in my mouth BUT i have been testing with IC since 10dpo and nothing not a sniff of a line not even a evap
if i dont have af by friday im going to boots to get another proper test but what best to get tbh i dont want to spend loads ad i know first responce cost a bomb in all other 4 pregnacys ive had possitive test b4 af is even due and ive felt like this ive just known i was pregnant so confused so annoying
Clear blue or first responce are prob the best xx
I think the cheapies are rubbish, some women have super strong lines on frers and their cheapies are really faint so you're definately not out. Loads of luck xx
I have a similar thing - I have loads of pregnancy symptoms (stomach cramps, aching lower back, swollen and sore breasts, really tired, nausea, sensitive to smells and more), and my period is two weeks late, but I have done six pregnancy tests (two Boots, two FRERs and two Clearblue) and absolutely nothing. I don't know what to think, I really want to be pregnant and am hoping so much that I am, but I'm terrified of getting my hopes up for nothing.

Going to the doctors this afternoon so fingers crossed she will be able to find out what's going on.

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