Called midwife earlier as I went all swollen yesterday and it hasn't gone down. Put it down to the heat but woke up still swollen this morning. Had a cold bath and put my feet up but didn't help so I thought I better ring her. She came out and said I'm fine
, checked wee and bp which are fine and said I need to sit down more (I can't, I just potter around the house all day as bored but to fat to go anywhere and daytime tv is rubbish). Can't wear my wedding ring anymore and can't get my trainers on so going to be in flip flops (that will look really attractive with fat red feet). She said it will get worse and the swelling will go up my legs so very important to sit with feet up as much as possible
. Going to give up driving totally now as hands are so stiff I'm a danger to the world.
She had a good feel around also as baby wasn't as wriggly today and she said she's 2/5 engaged, was 3/5 on Tuesday so she's certainly going in the right direction
. Isn't as active as there isn't much room left in there at all now, when she's stretching I'm sure she's going to burst out and it's quite painful. It really is like someting out the Alien films
. Even DH sees it from across the room and asks if that hurts

She had a good feel around also as baby wasn't as wriggly today and she said she's 2/5 engaged, was 3/5 on Tuesday so she's certainly going in the right direction