I'm a bit naughty!

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hey ladies,

I thought I'd share my experience with you...

I'm a bit naughty with eating foods I'm not allowed, so far I've eaten.....:whistle:

- Parma ham
- Goats cheese
- Stilton, cooked with pear.
- soft but not runny yolks.
- breaded camembert
- Prawns
- Sashimi
- calamari
- chorizo

I know it's not without risks but it's better than a diet full of processed shite an E numbers I guess.

I'm careful where I eat things from though.

Don't shout at me! :)

I still change my cats litter tray and scoop out pooh daily!!

OH offers but he doesn't do it properly :shock:

I am careful with my hygiene but I don't use gloves as they are too big... I never touch pooh though!!

my only naughty thing really is drinking diet coke, and ofcourse all the junk I am eating such as crisps & chips!! I'm a vegetarian so its easier for me I suppose...I dont want parma ham etc anyway!! Though I love stilton and have been craving it from the beginning of this pregnancy!! You will find there are lots of people out there who eat all the forbidden foods, and their babies are perfectly healthy...so long as you know the risks involved!! xxxx
We all do it I imagine! My worst thing is I have 2 cans of coke (I get bored of the caffeine free diet stuff, doesnt satisfy my coke craving. pre-pregnancy I hated real coke!) and 1 cup of real tea a week lol. I also had some runny eggs the other day as I really wanted egg and soldiers. Also the odd smoked salmon slice... My excuse is I barely touch meat and I can't eat dairy so I get all dramatic about it and say I'll die if I can't eat a bit of 'bad' food lol.
Also, prawns are absolutely fine! They're not on the unapproved seafood list :D they're one of the few meaty foods I eat so I was glad not to have to give them up.
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I've eaten all the things on your list except sashimi, but probably only for the reason that I live in the middle of nowhere, where people don't even know what sashimi is... god, I miss sushi.

The cheeses are fine if they are hot! And seafood is fine if it's fresh and freshly cooked.
It's up to us what risks we take, but I'm a bit kamikaze in general. Add medium-rare steak, brie and properly runny eggs to that list... oh dear. I don't do it often though.
I'm naughty as I drink lucozade everyday. Mw said its fine as long as its not lots (and prob not everyday haha) but apart from that I'm 2 scared to do anything else. If anything happened my baby I'd just blame myself but hey that's just me!xxxx

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I'm naughty as I drink lucozade everyday. Mw said its fine as long as its not lots (and prob not everyday haha)

I have lucozade a couple of times a week and didn't consider it in the bad list of stuff... What's wrong with lucozade?
I ate some of those things when I was pregnant. Though I stopped promptly when I read why it is recommended not to eat them.

A pregnant woman is 20 times more likely to catch listeriosis than a non pregnant woman and in almost 1/4 of infections lead to the death of the baby.

I don't mean to make you feel bad about eating them by posting this btw. And of course it is each to their own etc, I just wanted to highlight why it is recommended we don't eat those things.
btw the prawns are totally fine, you're allowed them, i checked i'm very by the book i just cant help it.
I'm naughty as I drink lucozade everyday. Mw said its fine as long as its not lots (and prob not everyday haha)

I have lucozade a couple of times a week and didn't consider it in the bad list of stuff... What's wrong with lucozade?

It's not really baby related, it's just with the amount of sugar in it that it's not really great for me or anyone for that matter if they drink it like I do lol xxxx
I'm naughty as I drink lucozade everyday. Mw said its fine as long as its not lots (and prob not everyday haha)

I have lucozade a couple of times a week and didn't consider it in the bad list of stuff... What's wrong with lucozade?

It's not really baby related, it's just with the amount of sugar in it that it's not really great for me or anyone for that matter if they drink it like I do lol xxxx

lol I love the stuff, I'd drink a massive bottle every couple of days given half the chance but it makes me a bit hyper. Must say I'm glad it's not baby related though lol
It's the only thing I really crave lol I love it! My midwife also said if I'm being sick in the mornings to drink lucozade sport xxxx
It's the miracle drink! When I was about 9 weeks pregnant I got gastroenteritis and before I got myself to the doctor to be given those nasty electrolade drinks I was drinking flat lucozade, it was about the only thing I could get down me.
Bring back lucozade as a legitimate medicine I say!
Agreed lol! My mum used to always get us some when we were sick :) xxxx
I ate everything i wanted when i was pregnant... the only thing i didnt eat was steak as i like mine really rare, and i think its a waste of money getting it well done :)

My opinion is they didnt have all these books back in the day, my mum ate what she wanted with me and i turned out half ok :)
I have been eating prawns by the load! prawn cocktail, prawn balls from chinese, scampi etc etc. Even had some cold ones with a steak one night!

have also eaten calamari, although it was deep fried rings and have eaten parma ham and had a runny fried egg sandwich! lush.

and had a glass or two of wine. A little of what you fancy does your good, as my Nana used to say!
The only thing I've eaten on your list was breaded Camembert but most of the other things I don't eat!! When we went to a wedding when pg with my son the only thing edible for me was deep fried Brie and I was starving so everytime the canapés come round I grabbed the Brie as I wasn't sure what the other bits were!!
I have had scallops and chorizo and I drink coke like 3 times a week. Was never a big coke drinker before getting pg though.

I eat steak once a week but the way I cook it, its melt in the mouth but still well done so that's not a problem x

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I so want a steak now!!

I tend to have mine well done out of choice anyway though so it's not a problem!

I don't actually like anything at all we're not supposed to have when we're pregnant :shock: :shock:

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