If you feel like your going bonkers...your not alone!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Hope all you ladies ttc are managing to survive? I think i might be going mad. Heres my story.

I rang Clearblue a few months ago and they told me if you follow the instructions in the clearblue test there is no such thing as a faulse positive. If its ++ then you are pregnant. I am not so sure.

I have been ttc since March 2005 with no luck. I came off the pill at this time and i think my body started to feel like it was ovulating properly after about 6 months. Since then, well, its been hard work.

I have had at least 4 months with ++ on a clear blue test which then turn -- after about 2 days of getting the ++. At one stage i was taking into hospital because i had pain (takes about 3 days after ++ to go -). They did blood tests, scans the works and found a cyst on my left ovary BUT no sign of being pregnant!!!

The one doctor said it was most likely i lost the pregnancy but the tests dont reflect that.

I have the same symptoms every time. Seven days after ovulation i start waking very early (not stress) with a funny full feeling. I feel af. I have very clear dreams and get very emotional. My body feel sort of tingly.

My gut feeling is that i am catching and then something doesnt work out very very early on. Been down to hospital for blood tests on day1 and 21 and just waiting for the results to see whats happening.

I am now on day 28 and still getting the symptoms above. This time it feelS slightlY different. I usualy have pressure on my left side as if someone is pressing down on my pelvic area. This time it sort of a full all over feel more like af. I have had it for about 7 days and the day before yesterday (day 27) very light spotting.

I am not getting my hopes up and am baffled by the clearblue tests. Anyone got an suggestions???

Aww hun wish I could give you a hug, you sound like you really need one. These tests seem to be messing you about at the moment dont they. I really hope you turn out to be pregnant and that everything goes okay, I think its good not to get your hopes up tho (even tho its hard not to) I dont know what to suggest other than going to clearblue and beating the person who invented the test up (lol I dont mean that only joking honest :angel: ) Let us know how it goes. Thinking of you x
Thanks bird

I know i am stressed about it but i am trying to keep chilled. We went to Tesco this morning and my better half asked if i needed anything. I think he was a little shocked when i put a pg test in the basket.

They only had clearblue so i bought one (even though i would prefer to try another one) My period is due tomorrow and i got a faint but definate ++++. I looked at it for ages and asked my other half what he could see.

I think he is starting to feel it too. He said "yes its there but dont get your hopes up" The line seemed thicker this time but faint.

Its hard not being able to get excited and my hormons at this stage are always going mad...

Thanks and i will keep you posted.

I would definetly try a different test.

I have lost faith in clear blue.

I have tried first response, they are fine.

Have heard that Sainsburys and Tescos own brand are they best, they are very sensitive :D

I hope you get your BFP, i know what you are going though

good luck i hope you get what you want, lots of baby dust for you:)
oh sarah willing it to be a BFP for you :pray: :pray:
Thanks guys. Well at least i am half way there just need for it to work out. Had one faint +++ today so maybe by wednesday it will be a bfp!!!

What a great fathers day present that would be !!!
Thank you.

I had one clear blue test left over form yesterdays pack so i couldnt wait and did anoter one this morning . It was still a very faint ++

Got a first reponse test ready which i am going to do on wednesday morning or tomorrow if i cant wait any longer.

Still no af and i was due today (i think) wednesday at the latest. Without being too specific i had a clear discharge today very much like egg white you get when ovulating. My tummy still feels odd and i am still waking early.

Heres hoping.

PS Couldnt wait (got two test in pack) so JUST did a first reponse and that came up with a faint ++ as well!!!!!

oh wow congratulations and well done to you, have a happy pregnancy :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance:
That's fab, it must be for real! Congratulations, I'm glad you were impatient! :lol:
Thanks guys. I am still not sold that i am pregnant. I feel pregnant and the tests say i am but i have been trying for so long i cant get happy yet. I want the doc to say i am and for the test to continue to remain ++ until the end of the week.

What do you think?

I think your PREGNANT!! I understand the disbelief though, even when its been confirmed by the doc you still will probably think you are mistaken at times, I did! And I still have paranoid moments now, its just what comes with being pregnant!

Have a lovely pregnancy x

Took your advise and took a shop value test as well. Got an Asda pregnancy test which come up ++ straight away!

Off to docs tomorrow.


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