IBS and pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Hi, I have not long found out I am expecting baby #3 and I get quite bad ibs cramps but they are now making me very paranoid and I get them very low in my stomach and I keep thinking its little peanut. Any other mums here with the same thing? If so how easy was it for you to make the determination? And were you still able to take the colofac? I can't see a doc for like 2 weeks and the MW for 3 so have no way to find out xx
I asked midwife about this as I've suffered with its on and off for years, the cramps are all over so it's hard to tell so she didn't realky have an answer for me other than if it was right low down to phone. I'm not on medication at the moment so I don't know about that though. I would phone and ask they should be able to tell you over the phone x
Ooh you poor thing.. My sister suffered badly with IBS for years and was regularly in tears with it.. I'm not sure about differentiating between the cramps as I can inagine they're similar and you're going to worry whatever the tummy pain.. Maybe ask a pharmacist about the medication until you can see a doc? I think they're a really underused resource - they always blow me away with the breadth of their knowledge!! As a side i've heard that aloe vera is incredible for IBS so may be worth looking into if you'd like to try a natural alternative? (Though not even 100% on whether aloe is safe in pregnancy - exhausting having to check everything isn't it!!) good luck xx
Eek, see, just looked it up - Aloe is off limits!!
Hi. I have suffered with IBS for years..I don't take any medication for it I just have to know which foods trigger it and try and stay clear of them. In the early weeks of my pregnancy I suffered even more as sadly pregnancy hormones do make it worse and I found that I couldn't even eat some foods that normally I am ok with so I started to panic incase I was at work and ate something and it set it off..lucky now it seems to have settle down again but I know I still have to stay away from cheese etc. My pains are always low down so at first it was quite worrying thinking it was baby but my IBS pains are different to period pains..it's difficult to describe but i feel the need to go to the loo and once i have been the pains stop. I find if i take a couple if paracetamol before the pains get really bad it helps a bit Not really much advice I'm afraid but I know how you feel xx
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I'm not sure if it's ok during pregnancy but I get Mintec from my gp (it's basically peppermint oil) but even she uses it and it's changed my life.
Thanks for all the replies really appreciate it. I phone and asked for a doctor to call me back and I can't take my normal meds all I can take is peppermint tablets. So..... these I have tried many a time and they don't work so this is probably going to be a long pregnancy but it will all be worth it as long as my little peanut sticks xx

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