iBasal / Ovacue Fertility Monitor with Vaginal Sensor / Duo Fertility Monitor


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I'm considering temping next month, and given my track record with early mornings and commitment to poas every day I was looking for a quick solution and came across the iBasal thermometer. Now I know I can get regular digital thermometers super cheap - so is this just a gimmick? I like the fact that it intprets the data for you, but am I just being super lazy? :shakehead:


I also came across the the Ovacue Fertility Monitor with Vaginal Sensor. Has anyone heard of this before? I've heard mixed reports about saliva temping, yes it's more convenient but outside environmental conditions would surely play a big part in it. I so like how the 'wand' confirms ovulation, but again it's just a fancy thermometer isn't it? I do like how you can load all the info on to your PC and print off a report though.


If I win Euromillions I might scrape together enough cash for the Duo Fertility Monitor Program. There's a monitor, and downloading, and a team of experts! I am dreaming though, DH would go nuts if I forked out that much cash without seeing an actual real life person :oooo:


TTC really does drive us all bonkers. I mean, how much money do we spend our of sheer desperation? I already own the CBFM so I should just cop on and not consider wasting more money... but if it meant an end to 2WW disappointment surely it would be all worth it, no?

*obviously I am not affiliated to any of the above companies - I'm just a desperate woman at this stage!
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They sound great but I whinge about £8 for 1 month of FR OPK heehee! Wish we didn't need any of it really. Like the look if the Ibasal one x

I'd be screwed with anything too technical, I only have a simple brain lol. At the rate things are going by the time I get a bfp I'll of probably spent an equivilant value to the last one on opk's, softcups and conceive plus haha
I'm just telling myself that forking out for the cbfm didn't sort it for me, so why would these?! Haha...

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