I wonder


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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How many of us who are here and also LTTTCers are going to end up going thru our pregnancy journeys together as well?

April has been a great month so far, as was Feb :good:

I certainly hope that when I get my bfp I take a few of you down with me :cheer:

That is all, one of the ramblings going on in my head :blush:

It would just be nice to have someone you "know" to share the journey with :love:
I hear you. It's always extra special when lttcers get their bfps. Am so happy for pos and star.
It is wonderful news isn't it? Was delighted for them both :)
I have lost count of the amount of bfp's I've seen since I joined here. I always wondered if I'd be joining them soon, and bar one failed attempt at pregnancy I'm STILL here 15 months later :brat: oh well *sigh*

Gone off topic onto a rant there :oooo: sorry :lol:
Im with you princess it would be lovely to move into tri 1 with a couple of TTC buddies. Its always nice to share milestones with someone espcially if your keeping it a secret from friends and family xxx
Im like that Princess.

When I start thinking about getting my BFP, I keep crossing my fingers that certain people will manage to catch at the same time because I just know it won't be as much fun on the forums without them :(

Not necessarily ltttcers, just girlies I click with :)

I wouldn't feel comfortable posting in ttc with them anymore, just because I know I roll my eyes at any non-ttc'er opinions lol I just always think "easy for you to say" and it doesn't matter in the slightest what they went through :blush:

I actually worry about it quite a lot. When I worked out my dates when I might conceive, it was in the back of my mind to give other people a chance to conceive by then too...
I hope I manage to get a BFP one day sooner rather than later, and it would be nice to have people to share the experience with on here, I sometimes do roll my eyes at some of the opinions on here too, but then I remember that some people can be just very opinionated and maybe they are having a bad day or something, and I remember we are all here for the same reason and we are all looking for support or in need of advise, it would be rude of me to ignore or pass judgement on somebody for just showing a different point of view, I truly hope that all us girls eventually manage to get their dream of becoming a mother,

and that you girls get to stay with your pals along the way
Don't you worry girls, you will have your deserved bfps soon enough & I can't wait to keep lurking & stalking your posts to follow your journey through :yay:

Me on the other hand, when I come round to TTC in 2014/15 I think it is, I'll be expecting lots of wise mummy words from you all as your be pros by them :)

:lol: it is nice to have someone who you chat with that is going thru the same thing as you, especially the anxiety of tri one cos that does really really suck!!!!
Don't you worry girls, you will have your deserved bfps soon enough & I can't wait to keep lurking & stalking your posts to follow your journey through :yay:

Me on the other hand, when I come round to TTC in 2014/15 I think it is, I'll be expecting lots of wise mummy words from you all as your be pros by them :)


Aww Kezza :) I don't know how you do it :hug:
I know :)

I bet she's still a POAS addict on the quiet... ;) She'll be joining us in the Tri 1 section over summer lol
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Oh girls :hugs:

You girls are just the greatest & you know how to make my day sooooooo much better :friends:

:lol: I wish I was a secret POAS'er though, just to join the gang :lol:

Things a bit messy with work & home life at the mo so can safely say there be no lil bubba's plus with one less TTC'er means more chance for you girls, I know that's not how it works but puts a nice spin on things

I am a complete wimp and would def love to have someone hold my hand during my pregnancy journey, you ladies are awesome and I couldn't imagine going through this without you ..... Are you feeling the love lol
Heeeeeeeey, didn't there used to be a proper group hug emote?

Lots of emotes in a circle?

Fix it Mrs Mod - we are missing a very important emote! :shock:
I'll steal this one for now :whistle:

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I agree with you on this one girls! I would definantly take someone with me into 1 tri. But I also think I would feel kind of bad if I got my bfp with out any of the other ltttc'ers. It would be soooo nice if we could just go and get our bfps the same month and go happily into 1tri all together:)
That would be very impressive if we all did it the same month :lol:

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