at crisis loans was so so rude to me it reduced me to tears!!!
Basically they wont give me a crisis loan, a 34 week pregnant women in a homeless unit with a 2yr old, with no money and no food!
She basically said 'You work so the bank can help you', 'you put yourself in this situation', 'its for people who really need it not for people like you who arent on benefits' (yet it states you dont have to be claiming benefit)
Along with a load of other things. She was extremely rude and kept talking over me. Said she didnt believe my situation, how did I know I was getting smp (slight bump give away) and I would just have to cope.
Oh and apparently I owe them some money from over 2 years ago (my statements say different and I wrote to them ages ago asking if everything was up to date, I actually worked out I had overpayed them back - no reply) but according to her Im one of those people that take and dont pay back!!!
Imagine if I was suicidal! I feel like puting in a complaint!
So, no fuel, no food, no money - what joy!
And I hadnt cried yet today!!!
Basically they wont give me a crisis loan, a 34 week pregnant women in a homeless unit with a 2yr old, with no money and no food!
She basically said 'You work so the bank can help you', 'you put yourself in this situation', 'its for people who really need it not for people like you who arent on benefits' (yet it states you dont have to be claiming benefit)
Along with a load of other things. She was extremely rude and kept talking over me. Said she didnt believe my situation, how did I know I was getting smp (slight bump give away) and I would just have to cope.
Oh and apparently I owe them some money from over 2 years ago (my statements say different and I wrote to them ages ago asking if everything was up to date, I actually worked out I had overpayed them back - no reply) but according to her Im one of those people that take and dont pay back!!!
Imagine if I was suicidal! I feel like puting in a complaint!

So, no fuel, no food, no money - what joy!
And I hadnt cried yet today!!!