I want some symptoms


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I'd love some symptoms...

I don't even mind morning sickness! I'd just love sore boobs! If I felt worn out and tired i'd be so happy....at leats it would be a sign that i'm gonna get a BFP this month.... Up to now i feel fine! nothing! not even a metal taste....

How soon did you start getting symptoms?

Not due for testing for another week but i thought i'd feel something by now! if i'm wrong please put my mind at rest....

Hi Hayley,

I'm sorry this is that hard for you! I know how you feel I think all of us who were ttc at one point have had the same feelings you are having! :cry: When I got pregnant this time I didn't have any "real" symptoms until probably 2 weeks after my missed af I had what I thought was "symptoms" but when it came down to actually having them I realized that I had never had them to begin with. I just wanted to have them! :oops: With my first child I was about 6 weeks pregnant before I had any symptoms, 2nd child I never had any! :shock: boy was I lucky! :D With my 3rd child it would come and go but again I was about 5 weeks or so when it started and with my 4th I was lucky again and never had any!!! :D I hope I have been able to ease your mind some what. You may or may not have the symptoms but most likely you wouldn't have them until after you have missed your af. Sorry for the long drawn out story but when you are on your 5th child :shock: Stories are always really long!!! :roll: Let us know what happens

~Blowing Baby Dust your way~
xoxo Ree
My very first symptom was extreme fatigue and then the morning(all day really!!:x) sickness followed soon after.
Ditto Hayley. Anything would be better than nothing.

With my daughter, I got nothing till about 5 months though so am not too worried. I have been getting cramps on and off since yesterday afternoon, but think they are trapped wind! :oops: I don't normally get any symptoms pre-af anyway.

To be perfectly honest, I think it's far too early to feel anything. If I am pg, how can something that is so tiny affect a person so big at this stage?

Fingers crossed for testing again. We need some more in the first-trimester forum!!!!

well i give up this month girlies still no af and its nearly 5 o clock altogether in the last 4 days ive done 2 asda tests and 2 first response all of which were bfn the last asda one i did just now after not going to loo for 4 hours and still bfn :(
:evil: grrr af

I didn't have any symptoms (although i did get thrush which can be a sign or change in hormones) until I was two weeks late. The only thing i noticed was that i was getting hungry sooner.
I also had no symptoms, we fell pregnant by accident and i didnt know till i was five weeks, and that was only cos i missed a period, still dont really have many symptoms now - dont give up hope - not everyone knows straight away and you might not get any symptoms at all

Anything yet Rach or Hayley?? No AF yet for me either, and I've resisted the urge to test this morning because I felt so fed up after my BFN on Thursday.
I'm going to try to hold out testing till Monday, unless AF arrives tomorrow.
Good Luck
got my af last night tankett think hayleys af not due for another 10 days hope your af stays away hun xxxxxxxx
Hi All

Thanks for replying. I've been getting AF pains on one side which only lat for about 30 seconds then go away! This has happended a few times over the last few days. Don't know if they're true Af pains. I don't usual get them so early on in my cycle. Anyway AF is due in a week so i'll soon know.

Rach good luck for June baby. *******************

Tankett - have you tested today? I am hoping and prying for you so much and i'm not even religious! ********************
i know tankett was spending time with her daughter this wkend shes been away for a few weeks, am dying to know did she get her bfp fingers crossed for u tankett hun xxxxxxx
Hi Hayley

When I was pregnant first time i didnt have any symptoms until i was about 3 weeks gone, even then i put the tiredness down to working long hours!

Hope its good news when you test and babydust to you xx
hey im 10 wks n i only hav sore boobs nothing esle i been panickin too but i guess its best not to worry n just think im one of the lucky ones! :)
Hi Hayley

Hope you don't get any more symptoms.... maybe your gonna be one of the lucky ones! Congrats on your pregnancy!

I am 9 weeks and only have sore boobs which only came at week 7. If it hadn't been for a missed period i would never have known i was pregnant at all. I had tiredness at 5 weeks which lasted for abour 3 weeks and other than being really thirsty and urinating frequently i have had nothing else...(touch wood) I'm sure this will all change though a my body adapts to pregnancy and i reckon you should make the best of it while you can incase it comes with a vengance..

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