I seem to have developed a POAS addiction!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Somebody help me!

I first did a test 8 days before AF, then yesterday and now today and i still have 4 days til AF is due, why do i do it? I know its going to be negative as it is too early! I didnt get a BFP til the day AF was due last time :wall:

Please tell me i am not alone in these premature POAS antics?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You are definitely not alone! I was so proud this time around... I waited until 11 DPO to test! If I don't catch this month, I think my DH is going to hide all the tests!! :rotfl:
You're defo not alone.

It's hard. POAS early only causes more disappointment though, try and wait :hug: :hug:
You aren't alone. Last month I tested about 8dpo too.
:oops: I have been known to test before I've even ovulated!! :D Thank god for internet cheapies!! Keeping every thing crossed for you x x x x
I understand hun. I did it too when I was TTC. One month I think I did it about 10 days before AF :oops: I know its crazy, but I was so sure I was pregnant. :roll: I hope you get a BFP this month!
mmm yes guilty :oops: cant remamber the last time i went to the loo and didnt pee on something lol :rotfl:
makes me feel a little more sane knowing i am not alone!
I think you've just encourages me to go do one, even though i ovulated 2 days ago lol :oops:
I know i have a week to go but i have to go poas :oops: will be a bfn but cant help it - thank god for cheapies!!!
mrs_tommo you've solidified it lol im gonna take one and get a negative tomorrow. I bought bout 23 off the net last month, might by 50 more hahahahahaha
Honestly :roll: have a bit of self control women :shakehead:

I would never never poas until at least the day AF is due :shakehead: :wink:
I think i should dig some of your old threads out libs from around 5 months ago, you and monster_munch were terrible!!!
I still am now :oops: that's why I don't keep the things in the house

If I'd had them today (5dpo) I would have done a dozen as I've spent most of the day asleep on the sofa and trying not to throw up at the smell of meat cooking :puke:
I took one to keep my craving away for the next few days...Its like crack hahahahahahahahaha

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