I made it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I am a mummy :dance: loving it although he wouldn't take breast he is very happy on the bottle so sticking with it as birth was so traumatic for us both!

Oh big congrats! Do you have a birth story up, I'll need to look x
Helllloo, lovely to c u in this section! Lo is gorge huge congrats!!
Congratulations on Orlando's arrival, you may find he takes to breastfeeding after a rest from his birth
:yay: hello mummy Laura! Welcome to the best job in the world x
Yes welcome! Do keep trying if it's something you want to try. In a couple of days those boobies will be HUGE! You're welcome to fb or pm me if u like :) either way as long as you and Orlando are happy do what's best for you. Xxx
Awwwwwww AWESOME hunni!! Congratulations! Away to read your birth story! x
Welcome over!! Glad Orlando is here safe but sorry labour was traumatic! I know how u feel. My nipples didn't seem to play ball in the first few days and b/f was an issue but I now use nipple shields and b/f has been possible and easy with those. Also Fin has put on loads of weight already so they don't affect his intake :) xxxx do what's right for you and O anyhow xxxxx
Yes welcome! Do keep trying if it's something you want to try. In a couple of days those boobies will be HUGE! You're welcome to fb or pm me if u like :) either way as long as you and Orlando are happy do what's best for you. Xxx


I read your birth story, it sounds very similar to mine, except mine ended in section to get LO out as he was so wedged!

He wouldn't latch on either from tongue tie also, didn't establish breastfeeding for over 10 days properly.

But either way, you have a healthy happy boy and BIG BIG congrats to you hun coz he is gorgeous xxxx
Hey hun! You're finally here! Yay! Jack was a forceps baby like Orlando and didn't take to breast feeding at all so I gave him a bottle. In hindsight I really wish i'd have tried him on the breast again when my milk came in on day 4. It's something I regret even now! If your happy on bottles thats fine but if you had plans to BF i'd give him another go! x

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