I know I'll be staying in hospital after baby is born what do I pack?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
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Baby has a problem with one of her kidneys so when she is born she needs antibiotics and will have to have some tests I don't know how long we will be in for so don't know what to pack in my hospital bag and how much to pack I stayed in for 4 days with my other daughter because of complications caused during birth and I can't remember what I packed and what people brought in for me, I can't really remember any of it as I just cried all the time and I think that was the start of my postnatal depression, I just remember feeling like an awful mother because she was poorly and I hadn't brought the right stuff with me I don't want that to happen again, so what do I need
Hi I really don't know what to recommend. Have you asked the mw what she thinks is a good number? Even if you don't have enough it doesn't make you a bad mum. I'm sure people will help and bring you bits if you need them and i'm sure the hospital must have bits xx
I would take enough for 3 days....then visitors can always bring you more in if you need it.
My nephew had a kidney problem when he was born and I'm sure he only had iv antibiotics for a day then was discharged.
One kidney was majorly underdeveloped and as far as I'm aware it still doesn't work effectively and he's 4 now...doesn't cause him any problems though xx
2 or 3 vests per day you expect to be in there, and maybe one extra.
Same for babygrows although with a summer baby you'll probably find it's quite warm on the wards so I'd probably just take one babygrow per day and a few extra vests.

Lots of nappies... don't they say 8 a day? But tbh you could just bring one pack or bring 8 and have extra ready at home for your OH to bring in as you need them.
I took 3 'up to 1 month' size vests and baby gros then 1 X 0-3 baby gro just in case he was huge (he was 10lb 1oz but still fitted the smaller size). I took one pack of aldi nappies and one pack water wipes, 1 pack cotton wool pads. Took a blanket for him too.

For myself I took miniature toiletries of everything I might want, two nightdresses, one pair pj bottoms, 3 feeding vest tops, one long sleeve feeding top, one outfit to wear home, 6 pairs giant knickers (I got primark seamless granny pants), pack of sanitary towels (mw told me last time that all maternity pads other than hospital ones are useless and expensive because they are plastic backed). Apparently you want pads to be more like the fabric type stuff that's on the up side on the back - super drug own brand maxi towels for 59p are the only ones I've found like this. Also took nursing bra for going home. Slippers and dressing gown x
When I had my first baby Boots own maternity pads were lovely. So soft and fluffy - really comfy for when you're sore down there.
By the time I had my second 2 years later they'd changed their design and were harder (the wadding was more 'compacted') and it felt like sitting on cardboard :mad::roll:
Not sure if they are still like that now.

This time I have 2 Natracare pads I got sent free, and a pack of 12 'Organyc' maternity pads, & 2 maternity cloth pads. Have no idea what they are like lol.

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