Oh no, you poor love. Shall we have a competition? I really think i'm up for a medal
I've never really suffered from them, only once or twice before.
I got one (just the one!) quite a few weeks ago because I was so constipated & after a 2 or 3 days of applying cream it went but about a week ago it decided to come back for a party and brought a few friends too.
On Friday night I had an upset tum so spent quite a bit of time on the loo
(sorry) and one of the little blighters decided to triple in size and i'm having a real job sitting down now
and it hurts ALOT! I'm putting on cream but hasn't had the desired affect yet.
I'm seeing my midwife on Thurs so will ask her for some prescribed stuff if they haven't gone home by then!
I'm dreading going into labour if I still have them by then, how embarrassing would that be?
How have your movements been? if you're getting constipated thats prob why you've got them, try some cream, apparently putting an ice pack on helps reduce swelling (haven't tried this myself tho!) and if they persist a trip to the docs
and good luck in the latter stages when the babes pushing down on them
Hope they get better soon, I do sympathise with you.