I guess this is the end of breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Kieran has been refusing to feed off me all last night and all today. He goes on couple of sucks the pulls off and cries.

Last night I left Kieran with my Mum for a couple of hours while I done abit of food shopping and left some EBM with her but she put a fast flow teat into the bottle rather than the slow flow one I had told her to :wall: So now he knows he can get milk quicker elsewere and won't feed off me anymore :|

Last night when he woke I tried him and he wouldn't feed but I thought it was just him being fussy so kept trying him but no he still wouldn't. I kept trying for 2 hours and he was screaming at this point so wouldn't have latched anyway so I gave him 1oz of forumla (slow flow teat) to try and calm him down. He did calm down so I tried again and still wouldn't have it, this went on for another 30mins and by then I had enough (3am now :|) so gave him a whole bottle of formula and he slept until 9am. Tried him again at 9am when he would be most hungry and he still wouldn't feed off me so he had another bottle.

I kept trying him at different times throughout the day and he just wouldn't feed off me so I guess that's it and he is on formula from now on.

Im disapointed that it's now ended but pleased to have got to 3months :cheer: :cheer:
Aww that's a shame. But be so proud of getting to 3 months!!! That's fantastic!
thats exactly what edward did.. refused me.. but im glad he weaned himself and i didnt have to stop him if u get me.. well done 3 months is fantastic! xx
It's great that you got to 3 months :D Well done!
It is probably just a nursing strike rather than self weaning. Sometimes this happens when teething starts or if they are just feeling a bit off colour. It needn't be the end of BFing if you don't want it to be.
Oh poor you. Well done for getting to three months :clap: :clap: :clap:

Maybe worth giving it another go? I agree that it could be a nursing strike doubled with the pleasures of being able to feed faster from the bottle...
it does sound likea nursing strike hun, I can send you some info if you want. sending you lots of hugs :hug:
I agree with the others about the nursing strike hun. there's load of info out there.

Beanie - can you send me the info too if thats ok???
Thanks everyone :) :hug:

Im glad to have got to 3 months anyway. I tried him a few times today and he sucked for abit but then came off still hungry :(

Beanie if you could send the info it would be great, thanks :hug:

You've done really well getting to 3 months. I'd say it's definitely worth reading the info. though and trying again if you feel very strongly about it.

My girls lost interest a bit when they started wanting to look around etc but they soon got over that phase.

All the best, :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the info :)

I keep trying him with no luck. Even got in the bath with him this morning to try then stayed in bed and had skin to skin to see if tht would work but no :(

I've been trying to express to keep my milk up but I could never express that well and can only get 1oz out.

Going to keep trying though. But what's worrying me now is because he's not feeding and I can't express much milk my supply will drop so if/when he does decide to go back on then there won't be enough milk for him :?

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