I feel terrible


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Please don't judge me by this i really am ashamed of myself for feeling this way.
I love my my best friend more then the world and would do anything for her but since i've known her no matter what i do or get she does or gets it too.
It started with a phone i got, she got the same, then i got an iphone and she got one too. And its escalated from there to the point where she found out she was pregnant Friday.
It really annoyed me because she swears blind she was taking her pill but i remember her months ago saying she had stopped taking it!
I don't know if it's because i'm jealous her baby will have the perfect little family where as mine just has me or if i am just genuinely pissed off that i can't have anything to myself!
Sorry about the rant
Oh heck, I have a friend like this - she got engaged because I did and then had to get married..I dont see her that much because it does my head in, she has decided to do teacher training after I said I was going to do nurse training..not that she will get in! Can you distance yourself from her?
I could because she lives so far away but i love her to pieces! I just want her to not have told me until i'd had my bubs or something x
I totally understand that! Some people are like that, whatever anyone else has they have to have it too! Rosies mummy, you make me laugh..."not that she will get in!"
I have a SIL exactly like that, I walked into her kitchen after they built their house and it was the exact same kitchen as mine, exact same cooker, fridge, dishwasher, kettle :wall:

I got pg with my lil boy she got pg, got pg with my lil girl she got pg :wall:

It done me head in but we don't speak now so I'm happy she can't copycat me now :lol:
It really pisses me off then I feel incredibly cruel! Maybe it's best I part ways with her because I just keep getting angry x
i had a friend like that, loved her to pieces but it was too hard to have any sort of creative or fufiling life with her in it.

if you can deal with it, it will be great to have a little friend for your baby but no one will blame you if not

she must be very insecure (or boring)
I wish it was that easy to "copy" someone and get preggo! Lol
I would distance myself from her tbh, u don't need that in your life if all your gonna do is get angry x
Is it not just that Iphones are the greatest things ever, and that she was ready to get pregnant now? Obviously you're pregnant at the same time, but if you were ready for a baby would you wait until a friend gave birth?

My friend got an iphone, and after playing with hers I bought one, as have almost everyone I know!
And when people get pregnant, it always makes other women broody and start to consider starting a family or having another one.

Maybe theres more to it, but I reckon an IPhone is the best phone on the market, and maybe she just wanted a baby! Id love love love it if my firned was pregnant, so the children could play in the future. I have no friends with babies, so my son has no friends!
i think if she's just making you upset/angry maybe you should distance yourself for a bit, you haven't got long left now so you need to keep your head up! but if you find you feel better in a weeks time just carry on as normal with her. she could be doing it all out of spite but then on the other hand she may just really admire you and so you inspire her etc. like a big sister really. does she have anyone lie that in her life?

if it was me i'd probably get annoyed and ignore her, but then after a month just be like 'hey how are you?' lol! sometimes you just need time to accept it.

see how you feel after a week or so then make your decision. as you might not even care after a day or so!

number2 i'm like you, i don't have many friends as they all went off to uni/moved away so i'm hoping when Riley makes his appearence i get make new pregger/parent friends!!! lol. OH and his and my family are lovely to be around but sometimes it's nice to have some girly chat!!


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