I feel so sick and upset!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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The title says it all for how I feel! I just found out my ex raped my mate and I just want to cry and kill him! I knew he was a waste of space but I didn't think he would ever go that far! When we were together he cheated on me, tried to hit me a number of times and just treated me like crap but as I was only 16 I took it all and still thought I loved him! I finally broke away when he tried to hit me in a club in front of all of my friends and they had to drag him away from me. When I got home he sent me a threatening message and I have never seen him since. I can't believe he's gone and done this! The girl is only 17 and has a baby, she never had any luck and I am disgusted he has done this to her! I just don't know what to do or think about it all!

Sorry girls I just needed to vent about it all :(
oh hun i dont know what to say thats awful. your poor friend. she will really need you right now hun.

i cant imagine how you must be feeling. even when you think you know what someone is capable of like the violence he showed you, you must never have thought him capable of this.

all you can do is be there for her and make sure you have nothing to do with him at all. even if you feel like confronting him or anything you must stay away hun - he is clearly capable of anything.

has she gone to the police?

not much i can say really - it wont go away but hopefully you cand your friend can help eachother through this and make sure the police lock his ass up.

thinking of you hun

She's been to the police about it but they're "investigating" it. I'm pretty sure he is denying what happened so it's her word against his which doesn't count for much. Her mum is pulling herself apart because she washed the clothes that she wore that night. It can't be helped she didn't know and I'm upset to think she's beating herself up about it! My mate isn't talking to anyone about just getting on with things which I guess is her way of coping. She's had blood tests done to make sure he hasn't given her anything. I just can't believe he's done this to her, she's only 17 years old and he must be about 26 now. He makes my skin crawl. I won't go near him because I don't think I would be able to keep my cool and like you said I don't know what he's capable of now!

Her boyfriend is trying to keep away from him because he's not best at keeping his temper and he's so upset that he's done this because the guy who raped her is supposed to be his best mate! Seems he has a thing about going for his girlfriends because the last girl he went out with he also slept with her but that wasn't forced like this. I just want to throw up and cry!
Must be so hard for her boyfriend. its only human nature to want to hurt someone who has hurt the preson you love.

i would imagine they have examined her (sorry not a nice though i know :cry: ), i read once that its not that important about the clothes as the physical evidence is often enough.

makes me so mad that men like that seem to think they can get away with it just cos its her word against his. i know its not the courts or polices fault - its hard if there is no evidence in cases like this - but it just makes you mad when you know someone is guilty.

cant say anything to make you feel better hun :( just have a good cry and scream it all out. i hate it when something is wrong like this as you cant seem to get away from it. you forget for a second then you remember and feel sick to your stomach.

I think that's what makes me angry is that if he gets away with it then I know that he is guilty, I never thought he would have done it to me but I wasn't shocked when I found out it was him who did it! I just feel blank about it now, that poor girl I can't imagine how she must be feeling about it! She's gone back to work and everything and I guess acted like it hasn't happened but at least she's been to the police! I just hope he gets locked up for a long time, he deserves everything he gets!
Lets hope so hun.

take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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