i feel full of hope and I am not even Ov yet!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I still have a week to Ov-I'm thinking between Sunday and Tuesday :) but I already feel really hopefull and positive....I hope I can keep up this feeling as it's great.

i must remember that no matter how convicing the symptoms are, they don't mean anything, and I am doing my best not to test early or if I can help it at all! as all that does is give me unecessary stress with are they aren't they lines. I'll believe this when I see it! lol

Last cycle I had, painful boobs, cramping so bad at 6dpo I needed a heat pack! yellow cm with a streak of red through at 10dpo - but that wasall just AF rearing her ugly face! :roll:
Good luck hon and keep up the positive thinking! :) x x
I am trying my best to stay hopeful and positive this month, i so want that BFP. If my cycle isn't too messed up from the mc this is my ovulation week with the big day being around 10th. Me and hubby DTD 4 or 5 times a week normally anyway so i'm just going to continue as normal all this week and next week (as still not sure exactly when i'll ovulate), with the added extra of conceive plus as it seemed to work for us last time around.

I'm going to do my best not to test early, but the last time I knew I was pregnant before I tested, my whole body just felt different, my boobs had swollen, my stomach felt strange, it was just different from when AF visits.

fingers crossed for a super sticky bean for us both x
Loving the positivity hun xxx
Good to hear you're feeling positive :)
For some reason so do I this month! I've got this week off so there will be no work getting in the way of TTC :) I am on day 15 and usually ov around day 16-18 so it should be bang on timing wise.
I'm using three different OPKs, using pre seed, soft cups and conception vitamins. My hubby is also eating a load of red meat, oysters and taking CoQ10.
Fingers crossed this is both our months!!!!! Xxx
Your immune system is also better when your mood is good, so keep your spirits up! Loving the pma!
This is how I felt, really hope it brings you your BFP
Even when I noticed that I took the wrong dosage of soy - I was still not too worried and still feel ok about everything! I thought my tablets were 80mg, but they are only 40mg and i have only been taking one - oops! I only realised last night which is day 4 of taking them so took 80mg last night and will tonight......I remember now that I took two a day last time I used them, doh!
Keep up the positivity Hun. Hopefully it will get you your bfp this month x
Yay! This is great!!! I'm actually super hopeful this month as well (af haven't even left yet...lol) - don't know why, but I am. I haven't felt so hopeful in a long time, so might be a good sign :)

Here's to July bfps!!

i'm still feeling it! :)

I have been feeling so rubbish physically - been tired everyday, had nausea most days and could just sleep! (gosh I sound preg already, lol). but still keeping the PMA going :)
I'm really felling the PMA as well today, i've got a really good feeling about this month. I think I should also ovulate between Sunday and Tuesday.


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