try with first morning urine! i got a bfn 4days before my period was due with a clear blue, and i come to terms with not being pregnant then 8days after my af was due i got bfp good luck x
I used a clear blue preg test a week before i was due so give it little time because sometimes it might show up abit later. Gudluck an keep your chin up, an dont get your hopes to high because we know you'll feel bad if nothing shows. Hoping for a nice sticky baby dust for you.
keep your chin up xx
Its a little early hun dont fret... Get a CB test cant go far wrong with them but do it the day the witch is due to make an apperance (if she dosnt make an apperance that is) xxx
went to the doc yesterday and she told me that it can take up to 3 weeks after af to show positive on hpt because everybody produces diff amounts of hormones. so dont be too disheartened.
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