I ate half a pack of....


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Asda chocolate brownie bites! OMG theyre sooo nice but before I knew it half the box had gone and Ive had crisps. I feel hideous! Im a size 16 and just know Ill end up a 20 by the end of this which scares me majorly!

Is anyone else eating rubbish and worried about weight gain?
i seem to be eating a lot of food with melted cheese and im eating lots of crisps.
I started as a size 14 and seem ok for now but i dread the scales
I LOVE crisps and cheese! I dont normally go for sweet things but the worst thing is I ate the other half of the box last night so now theres none left at all! I weighed this morning as I stopped Weight Watchers last week and Ive still lost 1lb but at this rate Ill be putting my 16lb back on and then some. Its take away night as well GAH !!!

We're pregnant :) we deserve a treat... Just don't eat a box of ASDA chocolate brownies every day :p lol
Personally.... I'm a sucker for custard creams right now.... Mmmmmm *licks lips* lol xx
OMG no, I think I may be sick as I have an options belgian choc drink as well so Ive overloaded on chocolate. However, I justify this with the fact that ate fresh veg and fruit earlier lol
I just suppose the weight gain is part of pregnancy but i know how you feel i managed to loose a lot of weight through weight watchers and i just know i will need to be going back after this baby.

Im going shopping on Thursday for food and i just know i will have to reign myself in
Its my OHs fault Songbird. Hes 6'5" and is so slim and hes a chocoholic so when I did the Asda shop I got the chocolate for him but Ive eaten it! Thankfully, were not too unhealthy generally and eat a lot of fresh veg and fruit and I drink a lot of water and herbal tea but sometimes there are naughties ;)
:) I'm not into sweet stuff at the moment, my problem are pizzas! Big ones. With mascarpone cheese. Mmm...

And I genereally eat all the time last days. I started demanding a full dinner at 11 am today lol.
Any one eating loads of cheeeeese that's what I was like when I had my Lil boy, I had cheese on every thing melted was best

This time I eat sweeeets n sweet stuff choc/ jam/ sweets n I'm avin a girl?? Hehe summat to keep in mind ladies x x
Ohhh Nadine
Im hoping the eating cheese is a sign of a boy as i would love a little boy.will find out on Wed i hope
cherrybinky i know what you mean dont you just hate people like that can stay slim no matter what lol
My sister is like that she has had 4 kids now and a size 6 she eats double what i eat and puts no weight on.lol

But at least we have a excuse for a bit of extra weight now and the treats we want
Oh yeah I used to be a size 8 and am now a 16 and will never go back to being that slim. Thankfully my OH loves larger ladies and would love me to be a 20 lol.

Ive just ordered major hot indian curry with chapaties so Im getting there lol
I've not been too bad with eating due to sickness.

One bit of advice I can give is - DONT EAT FOR 2. looool

When I fell pregnant with my little girl i was a size 8 when i fell pg and a size 22 after birth, everyone kept saying....its ok, you are pregnant you're allowed to eat what u want ect but doctors ect advise you not to eat for 2, you only have to increase your calorie intake by 200 cals a day.

Its very difficult to lose weight when baby comes, it took me 5 years then I lost 5 stone.

Good luck
God cheese was my vice with DS. He's 4 now and still addicted!
Ive read that too littlemiss and I plan NOT to eat for 2 I think that because Ive only just come off Weight Watchers Im making up for all the things I couldnt eat. MUST STOP NOW LOL
I can't stop eating cheese, and I am putting on too much weight!! Will be going back on Weight Watchers after my 6 week check after baby is here, so just enjoying a variety of (in my DH opinion) weire flavoured cheeses.
PS love your new pic Cherrybinky x
Ive always been a cheeseaholic and blue was my fave but pg women cant eat it apparently :(

That pic is me looking 'normal' as I ever will. Im normally in 1950s Dita Von Teese stylee. lol
Never been a fan of blue cheese but I have found one called inkeepers choice which is mature cheddar with pickled onion and chives, clearly designed for pregnant women!! LOL.
(You look very pretty on your pic) x
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