hubby is not well :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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I mean reaaaalllly not well and whats worse is we have no idea what he has. High temp for the past 2 days and swelling under the eyes. He has been to the docs but they dont know either :(
Of course this means no bding any more i was quite frustrated when it started coz it was right when opks showed a stronger line. Bless him he let me "do the work" on him still after he saw my face. How selfish of me, i cant look at myself in the mirror!! Right now he is boiling, shivering, and he is usually NEVER ill:(
He has his 1st SA on Saturday, i dont think there is much need of him goung is there? Poor thing, he wont be able to di it i think, and the results probably wont be much accurate, right??
i dont wamt him to go through the trouble for nothing, coz i know he is the sort of person who will try...his great sense of responsibility...

Sorry a long post for not much purpose, but i am now gettjng worried and i cant say that to him!!

Mel x
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Oh sorry sweetie - my OH has just come down with man flu and I have told him he had better get well quickly !!!!

I'm sure we've both been ill and still done it as I was due to Ov :shock:

(and it didn't make any difference!)

If he is really poorly, there isn't much you can do though

my oh had similar to this, is he sensitive to light? if so i would suggest a trip to a&e could be something viral, sounds worse than flu :-(

you could have fried an egg on my ohs skin but he said he was cold!
Thanks for your responses. Its getting worse his face is niw getting puffy. Still high temp. Most blood tests are back and are fine. His white cells a bit on the high side, so there is a sort of infection, but dica cant find what! :shock:

Would you agree with me thar there is no point for him ti do his SA? His results could be too liw because of a week of hugh temp and the infection?

What do you suggest?

I'd leave the SA until he is a bit better

Thanks Carnat. yes, I thought it made more sense... and poor thing, I don't eve think he can bear the exercise at the moment! he had a terrible night, woke up many times, all wet, had to chnage T-shirt and at 4am, paracetamol had ceased having any effect, his body was achy everywhere!
I have NEVER seen him like that! !!!:shock:


Will postpone the appointment.


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