HSG Update.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi ladies, have been home around half an hour, was in and out in about 15-20 minutes. :)

I was expecting it to be quite intense but honestly it wasn't that bad at all, I was surprised how quickly it was over as well. I only felt a bit of pressure as the dye was being injected, am fairly sure I felt it go through my tubes as well lol. Very mild cramps whilst it was being done, am feeling them a bit more now it's over and I'm home but I didn't take any paracetamol before or after.

Saw the same radiologist as last time, she was really lovely and made me feel really comfortable and at ease. :)

She said there was nothing abnormal, everything looked good and my tubes are both clear. :yay:

Hoping I might be extra fertile now but I doubt this will make me ovulate. :rolleyes:

x x
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Saw your update in your journal as well hun - glad all went well for you

Thanks ladies. :)

Next on the agenda is DH's sperm sample which is being done on Thursday. x x
Excellent news. Good luck for the sperm analysis
Great news hun, fx for the next step xxx
Oh yeah, DH said to me afterwards that it must be a problem with his swimmers. :rolleyes:

He asked what the next test for me would be but I don't have a clue. Not even sure what this means about the suspected PCOS?

x x
glad today went well missj! looks like things are really moving in the right direction for you xx
That is fab news hunny, really pleased it wasnt to painful and your tubes are nice and clear.

Not sure what they will recommend next, they may get you on clomid to see if it helps regulate your cycles xxxx
Excellent news chick!! I have my fingers crossed for your OH! I'm sure all will be fine xxx
Thank you everyone. :) x x

Vicky - My consultant has only ever mentioned Metformin but I think that's because he thinks I've got PCOS. I don't know if there's any other test that they can do to see if I do have it?

Just worked out all the dates and last cycle was only 24 days which is obviously mega short, especially for me. :shock:

If I'm having another 24 day cycle I'm already CD 10 so 2 weeks to see if AF shows up again.

Still got mild cramping today from the HSG.

x x
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