How was your early labour?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Since around 8/9pm last night I've had tightening/contractions. They've been about 5-20 minutes apart lasting 25 seconds to a minute.
I managed to sleep for 3 or 4 hours, but started getting a light period type ache around 2/3am and have been awake since. Had a bath and breakfast etc. Still having tightening, they aren't painful just noticeable.
Does this sound like early labour or is it just wishful thinking?
I thought I'd ring the MAU at 9am if I'm still getting tightening.
Ooh exciting! I had funny contractions for nearly a week with m my DD, every 10 minutes on the dot! Good luck I hope it's labour xxx
I haven't yet called the hospital, I might call them later. The tightenings tapered off for a couple of hours this morning (or I just didn't feel them when I finally got back to sleep), but started again once I got up and about again. Been out shopping with mum and nan today and going to walk the dog. I think they're about every 10-15 mins. Feeling more heavy down there and more period pain and legs ache.
I hope it's it! Xx
Exciting stuff :) are you feeling calm about it? I still can't get my head round that one day soon I may go to sleep all fine and next thing wake up in early labour so surreal!
This sounds very similar to my early labour Chrissi! Not painful at all just frequent tightenings from about 7am. I had no idea I was in labour (just thought Brixton hicks) & just got on with my day & spent early evening doing relaxation exercises.

I had my first proper unmistakable contraction at 10:30pm which is when I called the hospital, they told me it was very early stages & to go to bed. As soon as I lay down it kicked off, waters went and I could feel baby moving down. I arrived at hospital at 11pm and was 10cms dilated... I had him at 2am. I realise it is rare to go through those stage quite so quick, but obviously what you are feeling could be early labour :) wishing you all the best, it's a very exciting time!!
Yeah I feel weird. Back and legs aching now and tightenings happenning every 8-10 minutes now. Just packed the last minute bits in our bags and just bouncing on my ball, the dog thinks it's great fun!
That sounds reassuring birdie, I hope I start to feel it a bit more soon cause I don't quite believe it at the moment.x
Contracting stopped when I got in bed last night. Was wide awake again at 6am which is super early for me, yesterday I was awake at 2ish, but got up at 5.
Something has to be happening surely. I've been uncomfortable again today with more noticeable tightening but nothing regular :( x
How exciting Chrissi!! Definitely think you are next for April mummies! Hope things get going properly for you soon, the stop/starting must be a bit frustrating! X

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