How to use my birthing ball!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Hi All

At risk of sounding a bit dim :oops: can you all give me advice on how to use my birthing ball. So far I am using it for short spells - 20 mins a day - by sitting on it, legs wider than pelvis and gently bouncing up and down. :cheer:

Can anyone tell me any other 'techniques'? I would also love to hear of any stories on how birthing balls helped bring on labour (can anyone tell I am excited)!

Cheers all xxx
when my friend had hers she moved round on it brfoe and when she was in labour she just sat on it and rolled her bum round in circles.
im sure she done it every couple of hourse for 1-20mins
she said that was the best thing when she was in labour, better than the gas n air!!
I find mine really uncomfortable to sit on to be honest it makes my back hurt.. but I think I am too tall for it, my knees are a lot higher than my pelvis - probably about 4 inches!

I put mine on the bed and kneal behind it and kind of drape myself around it and rock back and forth, which is lovely, and great for getting my baby to get out of painful positions I have discovered recently. Also a great position for DH to give me a back massage as you can just relax into it.
Midwife told me to rock hips side to side while sitting on it, also make a figure of eight shape with your pelvis while sitting on it. I tried it but never found it very comfortable, but know people who found them a great help. :)
I used to go on mine whilst watching Emmerdale and Eastenders, then I knew I'd done an hour each time.
I'd simply sit on it, rock from side to side with my hips, or backwards and forwards, also do figure of 8 rotations with my hips. I knew it was doing something as when I would stand up, everything felt tighter, and it helped with backache when I'd do it too.
Remember to keep it topped up with air as they do de-flate slowly hehe Have fun!! :D

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