How Soon


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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How soon did you leave your lo with someone else?

I planning on having a night out soon and will leave lo with my mum for the night. I will be staying at my mums too just in the next room as i planning on having a few drinks.

I cant help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt for even thinking of leaving her for the night.
i went out for my wedding anniversary on the 20th april ( leland was born 29th jan) it was weird ! mum slept with him downstairs so me and hubby could have us time :oops: and i still got up at 5 am to check on him :rotfl: but my mum loved having him all to herself ! good job as it was her birthday too :rotfl: as for giult , i missed him loads and felt like i had a bit missing but it done me and hubby good .
We went out for Fils birthday meal which was just up the road (Bloom am I remembering rightly that you're in Devon?) when DD was approx 7-8 weeks old. I left her with mum and some EBM but we were back after 2-3 hours and luckily she didn't need it :)
Evie stayed over at my mums when she was about 6 weeks old. It was hard but I knew I had to do it quite early on otherwise I'd never do it. She had a ball at her nanna's and my mum loved every minute of it. My sister even stayed at home instead of her BF's that night and they just played with Evie all night!

She hasn't stayed over since because we haven't had the need to but if she had to stay over again I'd not find it half as difficult.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I went out for on Xmas night for a few hours and Jessy was born on the 28th November so about a month after I had her. Was weird and I really missed her. I went out again on New Years and they was really weird as well. It still hasn't got any easier leaving her I always feel really anxious and worried especially before I go. I know its good for her to be left with others tho sometimes and both her nana's love having the chance to look after her. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:oops: I left Evie with my mum for a couple of hours when she was 2 and a half weeks as John and I went out for dinner and last night I left her with John while I went to the pics but they are the only people I would leave her with!

She's a really contented baby though and I could relax knowing she was quite happy with Nanny and Daddy! :lol:

ETA: I really missed her and you'll miss your LO too but don't cut your night short- you'll only regret it later... she'll be fine! :hug:
I cant leave mine ever (well not for months!) cos im only breastfeeding and havent got bottle/expresser/steriliser etc!!!!
I've left Finlay with my mum for about an hour but not longer as I am breastfeeding too
I left Jacob with my MIL for a few hours when he was 3 weeks old, it was only because I was really poorly with tonsillitis and i'd had no sleep at all, I was past myself! It broke my heart leaving him, I cried for an hour after he had gone and yes I felt extremely guilty, like i'd let him down :(

The first time is always the hardest though! Jacob has just slept at my mam's for the first time (last Sunday) as we were having a BBQ for hubby's 30th birthday. I was anxious about it but I knew he would be in good hands and he was fine! I still woke up to check on him, even though he wasn't at home :lol:
I've not left harrison yet :oops:

Hubby having him for 2 hours on monday though while I go into work.

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