How sexy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Firstly sorry for the post overload lol but noticed something after I submitted last post...

I looked down to see a nice little wet patch on my nightie. Had a suspicion I would start to leak soon... :shock:

Had to leave the lounge holding my boob and covering the wet patch so I could get changed and put some breast pads on. Now I feel ultra sexy...not! :dohh:
lol, dunno wether to say congrats or sympathise but i did find this funny and will probably laugh when it happens to me too
Oh it is funny. And also a relief. Read that pcos sufferers can have problems producing milk so quite glad something is happening! :)
My DH got a taste of mine last week! Lol! I have PCO too so I found it hilarious - he wasnt quite so impressed!
I've not had any yet, wonder when it will happen! x
Ive not had anything yet either, keep finding myself checking when OH is erm....... playing with them. Id be mortified if it happened then, and im pretty sure he wouldnt let me live it down! lol
omg it hasn't occurred to me it might happen when oh is having a rummage :shock: hahahahaha I can't wait to see his face :rofl:
Gosh I'm 10 weeks away and I haven't had that :| very lucky as I only brought my breast pads yesterday lol

My boobs are strictly off limits now lol. Just the idea of possible squirtage freaks me out. Lol.xx
My nips are starting to get moist rather than being a full in leak. They have gone itchy and sensitive again past few days so I am expecting proper leaks anytime. Wore my sleep bra last night for the first time in ages. That always helps keep the girls comfy.
I never leaked with my first and havent had any uptil now :) tempting fate by writing this though lol x
This thread made me laugh ladies. I'm sure it will happen to most of us!!! lol
Haha once it does happen .. it doesn't stop. You'll end up not caring eventually :)

This is what I woke up to this morn.. its the most I've leaked so far hence why I took a pic lol! Oh wasn't too happy when he rolled into it half asleep xD

Hahahahah Danti that's awesome! And erm he wasn't happy?????? do men have no idea how many nights we get to sleep in the Damp Patch while ttc? Its payback time!!!! :rofl:
:rofl: babybrain!!

The look on DHs face was so funny! He has always said he wanted to try breastmilk but he has changed his mind now! Lol!

As for the damp patch - BRING IT ON :pompom:
I haven't had that yet but today my cat has been laid on me it was sniffing my boob area (t shit on obviously) and then tried to lick my t shit... threw him off dirty cat but maybe he can smell something i can't? x
oO er I don't like the sound of this. Apart from the damp patch payback, that made me laugh.
Hahahahah Danti that's awesome! And erm he wasn't happy?????? do men have no idea how many nights we get to sleep in the Damp Patch while ttc? Its payback time!!!! :rofl:

Ahahahaa! That's brilliant! I didn't think of it that way! :rofl: I may have to leak on his side more often ;)

As for tasting it... it's very sweet, that's about it :blush:

Haha! Love it! Revenge...never thought of it like that. Luckily mine aren't leaking that much. Just a sort of dribble. How attractive huh?xx
Never heard the thing about PCOS sufferers. But this last week has been the week for my boob leakage as well. Only if I squeeze em though, never needed a breast pad.

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