How often do you breast feed your lo at 12 months?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Just wondering if anyone is still breastfeeding at 1 year and how often you are feeding. Im currently feeding morning 7ish, afternoon 3pmish and then evening 8-10pm ish. Books say i should be only doing morning and night. Does anyone else still do an afternoon feed?
Im stying to get my fertitily back to try for no 2. She wont have a bottle or even milk from a cup - havent tried cows milk yet but shes 1 on friday. Shes never had a dummy so all her comfort is on me.

Snap - i'm exactly the same as you - my daughter, Belle, was one 30th January and I am still BF her - as and when she wants really! She won't drink from a bottle either - just mummy milk from her mummy! I know i'm going to have to try and cut down her feeds during the day, but I intend on continuing feeding her during the night - do you still feed her at night? It's so nice to know that someone else is on the same boat!

Leanne xxx
I'm not quite there yet, but my HV told me that my LO only needs feeding twice a day, yet i'm still doing 5 or 6! She did say she can have cows milk as a drink though, which i didn't think i was allowed as she's not quite 10 months yet. I feel like she's feeding more the past couple of months than she used to! Oh and she's started waking for a feed 2-3 times again!
Im feeding just b4 bedtime but its on and off for 2 hours. I usually start at 8ish and keep offering her more till 10pm ish. She gets too nosey and comes off so play or chat to daddy etc. Typical woman!
I dont feed at night, shes jsut started sleeping through again, if she wakes i just settle her in cot or bring her to our bed if she wont settle. So i feed in the morning when she gets up at around 7ish. Then again 3ish which is prob comfort.
I want number to so trying to get periods back, ggrrrr. Its not working. Although ive only jsut cut down on her morning feed as i was doing it to get her off to sleep. shap wrist. So now i take her out shopping or pushchair to get her to nod off. Otherise takes me ages to get her off for her naps. I would like to continue feeding atleast nights b4 bedtime and aybe try cows milk in morn. But i think she would prefer boobie milk. Besides it tastes so much nicer. Cows milk is :puke:

Have your periods returned if you dont mind me asking?
Mine had, but i'm on the depo so the only time they came was when i missed a month in between injections, and then it was very light. So i don't think that was a 'proper' one iykwim?
Oliver still feeds on demand (he signs it) which is quite a lot through the day, and then I usually feed him to sleep for his nap and at bedtime too. It can be up to 10 times, but then quite a few of those are just a minute or two.. a few sips and he runs off to play again! Then maybe another 4/5 times through the night. I got my periods back when he was 9 months.
My periods came back in November 08 and then didn't have one till 1st jan. My sister's periods haven't yet returned and my nephew is 15 months!

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