how much are you getting Lo for their 1st christmas

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Elfs Mummy

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Jul 29, 2010
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As the title says so far i've got

3 dvds
3 books
1 doll
2 puzzles
1 gardening set (so she can gaden with nanny in the summer)
1 cd
1 box megga blox
1 hat gloves set
1 bath squirters
2 sock cats
1 dolls pram (still to buy)

I also want to get her a my first christmas sleep suite and bib and the harrods 2011 bear oh and an aqua draw thing

is this to much or to little ? i think im also going to get her waybuloo on dvd but not sure and i've also got a smart trike for her but i think thats going away until her birthday x
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OMG you're so organised!!

I have lots of bits that I'm not sure if shes getting for her birthday or christmas as they are so close together.

2 touchy feely books
ball pond
2 boxes of mega bloks
3 mega blok cars
art and craft box
2 disney handbags and a disney purse
tweety puzzle

erm think thats is so far! Shes had a cosy coupe and roller rocking horse for the garden already. I think I'm going to buy her a my pal violet but i have no idea how much shes meant to have

Emma x
Im not getting him much it's his birthday 20th sept, and getting a coupe car and loads of other things. I need to get my two older ones loads this year for Xmas so wile I can I'm not going over board on Herbie, I do have a large family so he will get 20+ gifts before I even start
I will get him lots of nice clothes tho do they count as gifts lol
I'm struggling with this as mine will only be a few months old and already my mum has made a Santa sack for him and started filling it!! We only have a teeny 2 up 2 down terrace with no room, so I was planning on getting him just 1 token pressie, something special he can keep as his first xmas, but I have no idea what yet?
I have however decided to set up a saving acct/bond thingy and am gonna insist this year all relatives stick to a 1 pressy max and donate to his acct if they wanna spend more on him, it won't stop my mum but might ensure I can move in my house come boxing day lol!!
I haven't even thought about it! :shock:
We'll probably get her a main present like a big toy or a baby walker or something plus some clothes and books, as I know her nana & grandad will absolutely spoil her rotten and I don't want a house full of stuff that she's too young to appreciate!
my little one will only be near the 3 month mark, exactly the same age as my first child. She wont be getting alot its pointless, we will probably just put money into her savers account. everybody else will go mad x x
1st xmas is always a difficult one, we want to spoil them for their first xmas but tbh its just another day for baby & they will not appreciate the pressies. My 7 year old will be getting loads as usual - new baby will be 2months old & will get a couple of toys & thats it

My two are November birthdays and didn't get a lot at all for their first Xmas, just a couple o toys! To be fair yho, this year they're just getting bikes off Santa plus a little something off us! Whilst they're not really at the age of asking for things, I don't think there's any point spoiling them!
How old is Katie this year Alice? Last your dolly didn't really have a clue and we really had to think of things to get her.
This year she will be 3 1/2 and omg she wants everything she is Disney princess and tangled crazy what a different a year makes so I don't blame you for waiting xxxx
Oh they defo make up for it when they get older

Mines got a wii & loads of toys last year (they never expect just one parcel)

The year before that it was a PC & monitor & this year she's asking for a laptop.

Make the most of it while they're not asking for much loooool

my bubba is getting 1 main big present. a rocking animal from kiddiecare.
6 smaller presents like shape sorter, baby piano etc
usually such like clothes.
then he will have his stocking
also my 1st xmas stuff. bauble, teddy bear. what else ????

i got a santa outfit from sainsburys reduced to £2.10 whoop whoop
got to get my 1st xmas bib and sleep suit.
my lil man will be 9mnths and i have got him

a walker (sit in)
a bounce back donkey thing.. its from the dillon range so couldnt resist!
Car garage and loads of cars
and a stcoking thats got loads of bits like
a ball
a bottle
a placemat
bath toys
foam alphabet letters
a camera that blows bubbles
some puppets
and some more bits but cant remember as its been in the back of the wardrobe for a month at least!

Also putting some money away and letting everyone know about it so they have a choice!

Weve also requested no1 tells us what they have bought him, as it then makes a bit more exciting for us at xmas too!but told every1 to keep receipts!
also gother some ball pit balls
im also planning on starting childminding so need toys for that
i think i spent over £300 on madison last year and i think this year will be the same , :) most of her toys last yr are 6-36 months so she needs no toys as such so shes getting a kitchen and a bike mainly xx
Tegan was only 8 weeks at Xmas last year so we bought her a couple of toys and some clothes, she'll be 1 at the end of october she's already had a swing & ride on for the garden and we've bought her a busy ball popper 2 books, in the night garden dvd and a wooden puzzle. for Xmas she's got a spinning alphabet ball, signing makka pakka and a dressing gown were going to get her a pair of boots and couple of other bits but personally don't see the point in spending a fortune! xx
neither do i anymore lol madison didnt really appreciate it! all she played with was a maracca!!

im spending that much this year cos im buying her a huge wooden kitchen which is expensive but it will last all my kids so its the quality im paying for , i cud buy her a £30 one but i dont think they last xx
I agree completely Hun, next year i will spend more as she'll be that bit older xx
Jut some little bits as he'll only been a couple of weeks old if I go on my due date, already got him a christmas teddy from m&p but he'll be getting loads 20 days before so just a few special bits. I'm getting a book with his name in so I can read it in years to come and this year even thoughh he wont understand, my parents getting him a bauble and toys and I dunno what else. xxx
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Matilda wont be getting a rediculous amount spent on her as......

1) She wont even realise its Christmas day so until she does its a waste of money!
2) She has so many toys already which will last her until shes around 2yrs old so in all honesty doesnt really need anymore toys!
3) For us Christmas isnt about how much we spend on our girls its about spending time together at a very exciting and special time of year and celebrating Chrsitmas for what it is so I dont worry about it being her 1st Christmas and her maybe not getting as much as she could have!

So I have set a budget of about £100 for Matilda which is to buy things she 'needs' rather than what we 'think' she wants!
Im sure all she will want to play with is the sparkley wrapping paper anyway lol xxx
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I do seem to have bought alot but adding it all up i've only spent £45 on her as i was given a few things and alot of stuff is from charity shops and cheep places the most expensive thing bought was £8 and thats the doll the prams going to be more expensive but its more because i want it and it will last her for years x
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