how many?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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i just been watching sky nd on one of the chanels cant remember what i was just showed 6 different adverts to help abroad in africa i know it sad and that there a poor country but i thought that the money that are raised at likes of comic relief and sports releif and children in need help countrys like this and worse there probs charitys that are un heard of advertising ive made a few donations to different charities when been out shopping ive done fundraising for various but never actually seen proof that the money actually goes on what it needs to go on if you know what i mean. also i cant understand if there are really bad and stuff like they say they are on the adverts why do they keep having children and getting pregnant if they dont have or cant afford the care that they need i dont mean to upset anyone or make it sound bad some of tese adverts are sad and do make you realise that were lucky to have what we have but sometimes when you look at it theres people over hear that could be suffering like that but not getting the help they need co where to busy helping other countries. im not against it but its bad showing 6 advert in about 10 mins i do feel sorry for them coz the life that they live if i could help i would.

i also thought it was illegal for charity workers to hassle you in the street? when i was fundraising we got told that we werent allow to say please help this charity all proceeds go towards helping so and so we had to stand there and let them donate if they wanted and if people ask what money went were then wed tell them but now it seems you go out and they seem to hound you into donating one person yesterday while i went shopping was hounding me i put a pound in as it was all i could afford and she turned round and sed disgraceful you could of put more in! also im a bit wary of donating to some people ie there was a woman a few weeks ago collecting for her daughter who 'was' terminally ill some woman asked her what was wrong with her and she sed two total differen stories too two different women i was like thinking to my self which one is she ill with or is she i was a bit puzzled by her she did seem a little shifty and stuff but who knows. once again i apologise if ive upset anyne or said something i shouldnt like i sed i dont mind helping charities out but all these little ones that keep popping up every once in awhile how do we know that there genuine? sorry
Everywhere you turn and even when your sat in your own home people are asking for money. I think it's awful how many adverts, doors knocking and people there are that can just stop you in your tracks, interrupt your private life and generally be a nuisance.
yeah i know its like you dont have any privacy any more doing anything you just need to walk out the door and theres someone asking for money even some shops like tescos or somewhere like that use to donate money like you spend a certain amount in tescos and the charity supoose to get a bit of it. adverts on tv thou are bad coz they show the sad side of thing to trip you into making a donation like comic relief did its all well showing it but surely over the last how many years its been going that all the money they got should of sorted all there problems there just seems to be alot more people asking for money for unnown causes or charities. the ones that are geniune and you deffo know where the money is going is likes of helping japan even though there the richest country we still set up a charity to donate money to the people that suffer horrible and lost loved ones in the natural disaster you know that money is going to use if you knowwhat i mean
I must admit I do get annoyed when you have to purposly try to dodge the charity canvassers when your out shopping in town but I always tell them that although I would love to help, I'm already supporting one (which I am) and they normally leave it as that.. If I donated and someone turned round and said "disgraceful you could of put more in" I would have gone mad I think.
I would love nothing more then to put more in than I do but unfortuently I can't at the moment. I do what I can and thats it, they should understand that really.

I really hope the money goes where it should do anyway. I'd be pretty gutted if it didn't :(

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