How many days


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I was just wondering How many days past ovulation can you get symptoms if your pregnant? :?
Id say at least 10 tbh buts some people dont have any symptoms, i havnt really :D
Probably when implantation occurs 7-10 dpo.
Iv read on the internet that people can get them at like 3dpo so I'm not that sure tbh.
Also as Littlelady87 says, some people don't even get them at all :D
Ohright thanks :) Im about 5-6dpo.. Im the sorter person to symptom spot and sometimes your body messes you about but i feel like im going to collapse. My head is killing me and im so dizzy.. I found it very hard to breathe not long ago and i nearly threw up.. Im getting scared cause i feel so bad :(
Thing is you gotta remember that af syptoms and pg symptoms are quite similar. Do you have regular cycles? Do you normally get these symptoms. If your cycles are regular id wait to see if you are late, its the best indication really and you dont wana get dissapointed if its a bfn :)
There not normally regular there normally a day late or day early but there not really messed up.. I never ever feel dizzy like im going to collapse :shock: I know this is bad but i just bought 10 fags l&b gold which is my fave and i normally think they taste really nice but i had a few drags of it and i couldnt smoke anymore because the taste was so horrible :?
Hmm well id still wait and see hun, and chuck those fags away if they taste rank, ive been 4 days without one now, good luck :)
I think I'm around the same dpo as you.
I have AF cramps right now. I also had cramps with my pregnancy last year when I was in the TWW around this part of the cycle and I was pregnant. But last month I also got them and AF came on the right day as usual. So I try not to symptom spot now.

What I'm saying is Af and pregnancy symptoms are so alike, the only way you can really know if you are pregnant is to wait and test.
I hate the wait,, it really does drag in tbh!!!But its the only real way of knowing I think.

Good luck hun for next week when testing!!

I had no symptoms this month, and got my BFP. Last month I had every symptom possible, inc hot flushes, what I thought was implantation bleeding, headaches, veiny boobs the lot!

This month at 10 dpo I had a very strange feeling in my ovaries and groin area, like a stretching pulling sensation which is still going on now, and now at 17 dpo my BB's are started to grow a little, but are not sore as yet! Thats been about it!

Its best not to think about it and push all possible pains to the back of your mind...I know its hard!

As for the smoking, apparently it can effect implantation - although I was a smoker (20-30 a day), but quit 2 days after getting BFP......afterall it does become a life or death situation, as smoking is known to cause miscarriage in some women!

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